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Venus, the planet of luxuries and love will be in Libra most of December. What will this mean for you? Find out about your December monthly horoscope 2023 here.

Saturn, the planet of karma and justice is direct in its own mooltrikone sign Aquarius, precipitating the implementation of plans and decisions and natives will have to bear the consequences of their past actions. The benevolent Jupiter, the planet of abundance, knowledge, and growth in retrograde motion in Aries will provide opportunities despite the obstacles.

Sun, the king of solar system in friendly Scorpio will enter Sagittarius on 17 December and under the patronage of Jupiter, natives will enjoy stability in money matters and manifestation of peace. Mars, the warrior will transit from Scorpio to Sagittarius in a combust state. Venus, the planet of luxuries and love will be in Libra most of December, its own comfort zone sign. It will bring blessings, prosperity, and stability in love. Mercury will be in Sagittarius orbiting backwards on 13 December and getting combust on 16 December. The new moon on 12 and full moon on 26 are the best days for manifesting.

The monthly predictions here are based on the sun signs and transit of the other planets in relation to the Sun. This December accept the shortcomings offered by the universe and enjoy the abundance offered with positivity.

[Hero and Featured Image Credit: Aaron Burden/Unsplash]

Aries December horoscope 2023

Aries horoscope

Career and Finance: Aries sun sign natives will have a moderate start. Career-wise some obstacles might hinder your progress. Do not lose heart because after the mid-month there will be an upswing and you will be the centre of attraction at work. You will win accolades and a stint abroad. Businesses will flourish and scale new heights after a slow start. Financially, a lucrative month is indicated.

Health: Health will be average to begin with according to December monthly horoscope 2023. You might suffer from a viral infection draining your energy and giving you sleepless nights. Do not fret as things will improve drastically after mid-month and you will feel full of energy and vigour.

Relationships: Couples will enjoy peace and harmony. Families will come closer. You will enjoy good bonhomie with children and youngsters.

Remedy: Light a red candle to manifest good health.

Taurus December horoscope 2023

Taurus horoscope

Career and Finance: Taurus sun sign natives will have to work very hard to keep abreast in their jobs. Some delays and obstacles will pose a hindrance at work. Businesspeople need to be careful especially if the work is in partnership. Some unnecessary expenses might upset your budget in the second half of the month. The advice is to plan your expenses well beforehand.

Relationships: Couples will face some strife leading to misunderstandings and causing disharmony. The advice is to mind your tongue and not overreact to situations. Family life will be marred by some arguments and unnecessary squabbles the advice is to stay cool and collected.

Remedy: Manifest love by lighting a pink candle.

Gemini December horoscope 2023

Gemini horoscope

Career and Finance: Gemini sun sign natives will have a very favourable month career wise you will win accolades and awards. A trip abroad will get you big gains financially and also expect a promotion. Be assiduous in the latter half of the month as the transit is likely to throw some obstacles in your way. Businesses will flourish and grow, you will annihilate all competition but try not to rub people in authority in the wrong way, some upsets indicated later in the month. Financially this month will start very well, good gains indicated but towards the end the expenses might be a cause of concern.

Health: You are likely to enjoy good health but that in no way means you can afford any neglect says December monthly horoscope 2023. Your family elder’s health might need attention.

Remedy: Eat green salad and vegetables to improve your career prospects.

Cancer December horoscope 2023

Cancer horoscope

Career and Finance: Cancer sun sign natives will have an average month in terms of work. Projects being shelved last moment can cause anxiety and concern. Travel will be fruitless and the advice is to avoid it if you can. Businesspeople will face disappointment as some lucrative ventures might fizzle out. Avoid all financial commitments and be mindful of your expenses.

Health: Some tooth and eye infections might mar the otherwise good health. Your father or some father figure in your family might undergo a health adversity.

Relationships: The dawn of December will see some relationship issues with your partner. Stress can lead to negative interaction and cause disharmony. Coping with stress will be the most important factor with you this month. Family will be supportive.

Remedy: Switch on a light in the house before sunset.

Leo December horoscope 2023

Leo horoscope

Career and Finance: Leo sun sign natives are likely to get mixed results in the last month of 2023. You need to roll up your sleeves and focus on your work. Your efforts towards task control will get good results and things will improve drastically as he month progresses. Businesses will pick up after the initial hiccups. After being behindhand at the beginning of the month, your monetary situation will improve considerably.

Health: You will enjoy good health but in the first fortnight some eye and stomach issues might bother you. The second fortnight promises robust well-being.

Relationships: Couples will enjoy good bonhomie and their attachment will grow says December monthly horoscope 2023. Family members will enjoy a sense of peace and unity. It is a good time for fertility and pregnancy. The stork is likely to pay a visit soon. Children and youngsters will be a source of joy.

Remedy: Offer water to Sun preferably in a copper vessel.

Virgo December horoscope 2023

Virgo horoscope

Career and Finance: Virgo sun sign natives will have a good start to the last month of the year, but some disagreement between colleagues might put a spoke in your progress and the superiors might blame you for the disharmony. The advice is to focus on your work and do not get into any office politics be neutral and do not take sides. Business people need t be communicative and frank with their co-workers and clients. After the initial glitch which might lead to some losses, the money situation will be average.

Relationships: Virgo natives need to keep a vigilant approach towards their partners. Respect your partner and communicate well. Do not use harsh words and do not meddle too much in their affairs. Family equations might be disturbed and some disagreements are likely to cause some disharmony.

Remedy: Keep a green coloured cloth/hanky with you for good relationships.

Libra December horoscope 2023

Libra horoscope

Career and Finance: Libra sun sign natives are all set to prosper and grow this month. An exciting time is indicated at work. You will be creative and ahead of all your colleagues. Your work will be appreciated and you will be held in high esteem. Businesses will grow. Foreign travel will be lucrative, and your earnings will increase manifold.

Health: Libra natives will be in the pink of health and feel very enthusiastic and energetic according to December monthly horoscope 2023. Some skin allergy or problems might need medical attention.

Relationships: You will enjoy a good month with your partner. A good holiday together and a lot of fun things are indicated between partners. Family members will spend quality time together and develop good bonds.

Remedy: Put fresh white flowers in the house and in the office to enhance your luck.

Scorpio December horoscope 2023

Scorpio horoscope

Career and Finance: Scorpio sun sign natives are likely to see some ups and downs at work. You might not get full co-operation of your colleagues and your work might suffer. Your superiors will support you in your endeavours, but you will lack motivation and be dissatisfied. Business owners will gain moderate profits and are advised to not get into any new partnerships.

Health: Health will be average. Some anxiety and headaches are indicated. You need to relax yourself and take positive steps towards improving your health.

Relationships: It is not a good month for relationships. Love and bonhomie might lack, and you might exhibit a very egoistic behaviour. In the beginning of the month, there might be a lot of unpleasantness. Make a conscious effort towards harmony.

Remedy: Feed the fishes to enhance your career prospects.

Sagittarius December horoscope 2023

Sagittarius horoscope

Career and Finance: Sagittarius natives will handle their work very well and come out with flying colours. Your co-workers will look up to you and the bosses will remunerate you well. You will be fulfilling your ambitions the advice is to avoid impertinence with your seniors. Businesses will flourish and you will get good gains. Money position will be good and satisfactory but be careful if investing in property.

Health: You will enjoy good health and stay fit throughout the month, but the health of your elders might be a cause of concern. You need to be careful and alert towards accidents, says December monthly horoscope.

Relationships: Sagittarius sun sign natives will have a favourable month. Your relationships are all set to improve, although the month might start with some disagreements, but you are likely to achieve harmony and happiness. Some disagreements are indicated with family members.

Remedy: Light a white candle for peace and harmony.

Capricorn December horoscope 2023

Capricorn horoscope

Career and Finance: Capricorn sun sign natives will experience success and in their careers especially in the first fortnight of December. Natives in job will land up with their dream jobs or excel in their present ones. Travel will be fruitful and might open the doors for new opportunities. Businesspeople will be implementing new ideas and expand their work. Good gains are indicated but do not count your chickens before they hatch.

Relationships: Natives might not enjoy the best of relationships this month. Mutual love and understanding will be lacking, but with efforts you will be able to achieve harmony. Family squabbles might disturb the domestic harmony and cause undue stress.

Remedy: Do some charity to improve your health.

Aquarius December horoscope 2023

Aquarius horoscope

Career and Finance: Aquarius sun sign natives might face some obstacles at work, and you might lack job satisfaction. Non cooperation from colleagues might slow you down and you might lose out on some prestigious work, the second half of the month will get you some respite and things might move in the right direction. Business natives will suffer some setbacks in the beginning of the month later the work will come back on track but after causing some losses. Money inflow will be average this month do not expect too much financially.

Health: The month will start with some aches and pains in your joints and as the month progresses your soreness will reduce but you will have to work hard towards it. Keep yourself relaxed and calm.

Relationships: Monthly horoscope 2023 forecast says that some misunderstandings with your partner will spoil the domestic harmony. You need to communicate frankly and openly with your partner. The advice is to keep your temper under control and try not to overreact. Some misunderstandings amongst family members are also indicated which is likely to diffuse in the second half of the month.

Remedy: Donations at an old age home will get you satisfaction at work.

Pisces December horoscope 2023

Pisces horoscope

Health: You might suffer from cough and cold and viral infections according to the monthly horoscope 2023 and you need to take care and be precautious.

Relationships: You will have a good bonding with your partner which is likely to improve as the month progresses. It’s a good time to increase your family. Some differences with family members are indicated, but you will achieve harmony in the second fortnight of the month.