The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

If you have any intentions of reading this series, don't read this review, and especially don't read the synopsis blurb from the book's back cover--that will ruin the whole reading experience of this thrilling series!

Geezus (to quote the author), I really hated to see this series end. There were some fantastic reads here, and while Loose Ends didn't quite make it to fantastic for me, it was an enjoyable experience just to read

So, fans of the series, you're going to want to read this one. There's scads of crazy action, a little romance, plenty of violence and some gore, and a nail biting conclusion. The "loose ends" are all wrapped up, the boys are all accounted for, and everyone has their HEA. It does make me sad that we'll never see these guys again (or will we?), but it was a fantastic thrill ride while it lasted. 4 stars

2011_reads part-of-a-series romantic-suspense

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

723 reviews253 followers

February 7, 2011

Well, it's been ages since I've written a review, but I'm trying to get back in the habit and this seemed like a good book to start with. *sigh* I'm really going to miss this series and while this final edition wasn't perfect or even a fav of the series, it was a fitting end to an action-packed, hot series.

Series: Final book in the Crazy/Loose (aka Steele Street) series. This series absolutely MUST be read in order.

Summary: Do not read further unless you want series-wide spoilers...

2011 bought-target condition-new

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

1,392 reviews346 followers

March 10, 2019

So happy J.T. is alive. Sad to see this series coming to an end but hopefully she will put out a follow up on the Steele Street Men.


The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

Author 95 books1,256 followers

April 30, 2011

I enjoyed this book a lot. Janzen displays great turns of phrases and has a way with descriptions. The one drawback for me were the waaaaay too many Geezus-es. I found the spelling clever at first--an oath with punch that no one can point a finger at as blasphemy. But that also makes it memorable and after awhile I found it popping out at me from nearly every page. Had that happened in only one character's POV it might not have bothered me so much. But everyone in EVERY POV has the same favorite word? That just shouldn't happen.

Still, this might be something that only I have a problem with. And overall it was a fun, fast read.

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

318 reviews70 followers

February 7, 2011

So, for readers of this series this is the book. This is Conroy's book. And we all know who Conroy really is. You thought Zach was the lost chop shop boy? Well, then Con is the resurrected chop shop boy. Literally.

So ALL of that being said. This is the end, or so i've heard. And we're going out like we went into this thing. With tires smoking, engines growling, and some seriously sexy romance.

contemporary series shoot-em-up

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

Author 68 books746 followers

July 4, 2011

How could I give the end of an amazing series anything less than 5 stars? I am so sad that these guys aren't going to have any more stories. I love them. I love their bad-ass cars. I have loved the entire series.

But what a way to end it...with JT's incredible journey back to the boys at Steele Street. My heart was breaking for him, for Jane, for all the Steele Street boys most of the way through the book, but Tara tied it all up just perfectly. It's been an amazing ride!

Full review below reposted from my Smitten with Reading blog....

My Review: I have been reading the Steele Street stories for YEARS! I can't believe that this is the last one.

SDF is a black ops Special Forces unit that runs out of the Steele Street offices in Denver, Colorado. Most of the operatives grew up together and cut their teeth stealing cars before they were reformed. But they still love those muscle cars who have almost as much of a personality in these books as the boys do. I love that all the cars make their final appearance in this book because they are so much of what have made these books so hot. There is nothing better than some serious horses rumbling under the hood with a gorgeous alpha male at the wheel.

This final book brings the one that "they lost along the way" back home. JT Chronopolous was on a mission 6 years ago that killed least that's what they all thought. But all of a sudden he is back and SDF has been sent to neutralize him as a rogue agent. None of the boys believe that he has gone rogue, but they have no idea what really has happened so they set a trap.

Bumbling into the trap is Jane Linden. She is a former street rat and pick-pocket turned gorgeous, confident art gallery manager. JT took her virginity 6 years ago, but left the next day for his mission in Columbia that he never returned from. She mourned his loss like all of the Steele Street gang so you can imagine her shock when he walked right past her on the sidewalk in LoDo.

JT doesn't remember anything from before 6 years ago, but when he walks by Jane on that sidewalk, something is familiar and flashes of memories start to come back to him...mainly that she means something to him.

This book is really good. There is so much emotionally going on for everyone in the book and your heart aches for ALL of them.

How could I give the end of an amazing series anything less than an A? I am so sad that these guys aren't going to have any more stories. I love them. I love their bad-ass cars. I have loved the entire series.

But what a way to end it...with JT's incredible journey back to the boys at Steele Street. My heart was breaking for him, for Jane, for all the Steele Street boys (esp. Kid his brother and Creed his best friend who was with him on the mission where he "died") most of the way through the book, but Tara tied it all up just perfectly. It's been an amazing ride!

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

Author 2 books52 followers

January 26, 2011

How does a long awaited end to a series possibly meet expectations of the fans?! This series is romance (there is a male + female lead who fall in LURVE) but it's also comedy, white knuckle action, adventure, and it is not at all realistic. While I have no doubt this series doesn't work for some people, I've loved every page.

Ok, so JT (one of the guys on the team) died 6 years ago. It was brutal, we never knew him (in series) except through reflections and memories from other characters. In fact, the whole series has really been "since JT died..." Then, in a twist I sure never expected towards the end of this series we find out that maybe he isn't dead. He's been tortured. juiced up on crazy drugs. altered. He doesn't know who he was before.

In this book, we start off where

10 ended. It's all going down in downtown Denver, home of the Steele Street boys.

I LOVED that it was a brief period of time (a single day at most), it was action packed, all kinds of "loose ends" come around and it all really comes together (falls apart?) and it was a lot of fun to read. I also appreciated that the author didn't give us those "reunion" scenes where everyone from previous books hang out just to hang out and be seen. Oh, most every Steele Street operator shows up - but the scenes have purpose and a point.

The scary guy, the bad guy, the car chase... it was all there. Jane was a homeless/living on streets teen turned good. We've seen her in previous books and in this I LOVED her. So much. I thought this was a very strong book to wrap up the series. The whole "crazy drugs that make super warriors but then they go nuts or die" thing is still a bit out there for me - but somehow Tara Janzen makes it work. She also managed to keep me totally entertained through the book, and didn't fall into a few of the common end of series traps I was afraid she would.

On the downside - there's not really any relationship building here. Oh they like each other and lust after each other... but that's it. Since it's a 1 day time frame I guess I get that, and JT knows Jane from 'before' and always liked her. Likewise there really just isn't deep thought or reflection by any characters. It's kept more in the moment/conversation/superficial. The more I think about it - this is common with her books. So if you're a fan, I think you'll be happy with this.

note: you really can't pick this up without having read the rest of the series. the author takes just enough time to refresh the memory - but only if you already know the details.

action series

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

628 reviews4 followers

February 28, 2011

After waiting so long for this book I gotta say, it was lacking a little something. Ever since I started reading the Steele Street series, i was hoping that J.T wasn't really dead and it didn't set in that he was until Kid got his body. Even then, I was skeptical. but, I gotta admit that i read Loose and Easy first and I kinda got a glimpse at the guys thinking J.T was still out there somewhere, even though i didn't really get it at the time. This book was just as fast-paced and action-packed as the rest of Tara Janzen's books. and the way it all came together was pretty perfect.

Overall, a very good read and a fitting conclusion to the series.

military-heroes personal-library

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

938 reviews38 followers

June 3, 2011

Definitely not a stand-alone. I recommend reading the series in order.

This is one strange book. I find it hard to compartmentalize, it certainly did not feel, smell, or taste like the other books in the series did.

Take your favorite fantasy of a blue-collar street-wise hot-rodding he-man. Give him military experience, make him part of a special ops team. Hot hot hot! So far, so good.

Then imagine him sold out by someone who ought not to have, subjected to unthinkable evils. Not out of line with the rest of the series. We know from earlier in the series that his friend watched him tortured by a drug lord, he was believed dead and a body identified as his was buried, leaving behind a grieving family. We know from the last book that he did not die after all.

But ? Wa-a-a-ay out in left field.

I did like that it took not just the hero, but his team also, to triumph. The hero's actions, along with that of the damsels in distress, bought enough time for the team to arrive. I really liked that.

The romance side of the story is great. Like a lot of other books in the series, the action has some great adrenaline-filled chase scenes and feels kind of like a guy film. If not for the part mentioned in the spoiler, I'd give this a solid four stars.

I wish Janzen had left out the unusual stuff to make this more believable.

read-in-2011 romance suspense


July 27, 2023

This book was not something I would read. I did not finish the book since it lost my interest. Almost had more of a sy-fi spin with "magic pills" only could get to 136 pages then gave up reading

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

39 reviews1 follower

September 22, 2016

Couldn't finish this book. Got about halfway thru it. Was this meant to be a Scifi fantasy book? Every male in this book is ripped, beyond belief handsome, and a deadly killing machine. Every woman is drop dead gorgeous, super intelligent, and also deadly. Who lives in this world? Every bad guy is mentally deranged, genetically altered to remove human emotions, physically handicapped or totally inept. I wanted to push all of the "people" in this book into a small room and toss in a grenade.

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

1,559 reviews

January 28, 2011

Pretty good end to the Steele Street boys. I am a little sad that it is over. I wonder where Janzen will go now.

I loved the glimpse into Dylan/Skeeter again. I might have to go back and reread their book.


The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

25 reviews


December 29, 2012

Cannot wait to read this book and finally find out what happened to the best of the Steele Street boys!

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

680 reviews73 followers

January 27, 2011

งานเลี้ยงก็ย่อมมีวันเลิกลา เช่นเดียวกับหนังสือชุดนะคะ วันนึงก็ต้องมาถึงเล่มสุดท้าย แม็กซ์เข้าใจความจริงข้อนี้ดีค่ะ แต่เราก็ยังอดใจหายไม่ได้ตอนที่ถือหนังสือเรื่องนี้ในมือ เรารู้ส���กเหมือนมันเป็นการสิ้นสุดของสิ่งที่ดีที่สุดหลายอย่างที่เราเจอใน หน้าหนังสือ

หนังสือชุดสตีลสตรีท เป็นหนึ่งในหนังสือชุดที่ทำให้ทำอะไรหลายอย่างที่ไม่ค่อยได้ทำบ่อยนัก เริ่มตั้งแต่การหยิบมาอ่านซ้ำหลายต่อหลายครั้ง เราจดจำรายละเอียดของตัวละครในหนังสือชุดนี้ได้เด่นชัด (คิดเอาแล้วกันค่ะ รู้กระทั่งว่า ใครพักอยู่ชั้นไหนในอาคาร 738 ถนนสตีลกันบ้าง) เรารู้จักต��วละครทุกตัวเหมือนเป็นญาติ รู้ประวัติ รู้นิสัย ทั้งหมดนั่นคือเสน่ห์ของเรื่องราวในชุด

ใช่ค่ะ หนังสือเล่มใดเล่มหนึ่งในชุดอาจจะไม่ใช่เรื่องที่ดีที่สุดอันดับต้น ๆ ที่เราอ่าน แต่เมื่ออยู่รวมกัน นี่เป็นหนังสือชุดอันดับต้น ๆ ที่เรารักมาก

และเรื่องนี้ก็คือเล่มสุดท้าย เรื่องราวของตัวละครผู้เป็นที่รัก และเป็นจุดเริ่มต้นของอะไรหลายอย่างในชุดนี้ ในแง่นึงชื่อหนังสือก็เหมาะสมกับตัวมันมาก เพราะนี่คือ การปิดฉากเรื่องราวของสายลับแห่งสตีลสตรีท

Loose Ends ของทารา เจนเซน

เรื่องนี้เป็นเล่ม��ี่สิบเอ็ดในชุดสตีลสตรีท และก่อนที่เราจะเขียนอะไรต่อไป ก็คงต้องเตือนคนที่ยังไม่ได้อ่านเล่มสิบในชุดว่า ไม่ต้องอ่านต่อนะคะ เพราะไม่มีทางที่เราจะเขียนรีวิวเรื่องนี้ได้ โดยที่ไม่สปอยล์ (อันที่จริงคนที่ยังไม่ได้อ่านเล่มสิบ ไม่ควรอ่านกระทั่งเรื่องย่อที่ปกหลังของเล่มนี้เลยค่ะ)

เตือนแล้วนะคะ ดังนั้นเราก็จะขอเริ่มต้น

จากเหตุการณ์ในตอนจบของเรื่อง Breaking Loose ภารกิจในปารากวัยที่ดีแลน และคริสเตียนถูกส่งไปลอบสังหารคอนรอย ฟาเรลล้มเหลว นั่นไม่ได้หมายความว่า เป็นความล้มเหลว เพราะเพียงแว่บแรกที่มองเห็นคอน ทุกคนก็รู้ว่า การลอบสังหารครั้งนี้ไม่มีทางเกิดขึ้น เพราะคอนไม่ใช่คนแปลกหน้าสำหรับพวกเขา

เมือหกปีก่อนคอนมีชื่อว่า เจที โครโนโพลัส และเขาก็คือหนึ่งในสมาชิกของหน่วย SDF แต่ภารกิจที่ผิดพลาดในโคลัมเบีย ทำให้ทุกคนเชื่อว่าเขาตายไปแล้ว แต่เจทีไม่ได้ตาย มันอาจจะง่ายกว่าถ้าเขาตาย เพราะชีวิตที่เหลืออีกหกปีต่อมา เขาไม่รู้ว่าตัวเองเป็นใคร ความทรงจำถูกลบเลือนด้วยตัวยาขนานใหญ่ เพื่อทำให้เขากลายเป็นนักรบที่สมบูรณ์แบบ การทดลองที่ผิดพลาด เจทีรอดตายมาได้ แต่เวลาของเขาก็เหลือไม่มากนัก เขาอุทิศเวลาเหล่านั้นเพื่อการแก้แค้น

แต่การเผชิญหน้ากับกองกำลังไม่ทราบฝ่ายเมื่อแปดเดือนก่อนในปารากวัย สเกาท์ เด็กสาวที่เขาดูแลอยู่ถูกจับไปเป็นตัวประกัน คอนซึ่งถูกยาสลบ แต่ก็ยังหนีไปได้ กระนั้นเขาก็ต้องใช้เวลาต่อสู้กับผลข้างเคียงของยา (เพราะร่างกายที่ถูกทดลอง ทำให้มีผลตอบสนองต่อยาแตกต่างจากคนทั่วไป) ทำให้กว่าที่เขาจะเดินทางมาเดนเวอร์เพื่อเอาตัวสเกาท์คืนล่าช้าออกไป แต่คอนก็มา โดยที่เขาไม่รู้เลยว่า ศัตรูที่เขาคิดว่าเผชิญหน้าอยู่นั้น ก็คือกลุ่มเพื่อนที่ไม่ต้องการอะไรจากเขาเลย นอกจากให้คอนกลับบ้าน

ในขณะเดียวกัน คอนก็ไม่ใช่คนคนเดียวที่มาเดนเวอร์ ศัตรูของเขา และของสตีลสตรีทก็มาที่นี่เช่นกัน โดยหวังที่จะปิดปากทุกคนที่รู้เรื่องการทรยศของตัวเอง การที่เจทีถูกจับตัวไปทดลองไม่ใช่เรื่องบังเอิญ แต่ใครบางคนผู้มีอำนาจทรยศเขา ซึ่งนั่นเป็นการกระทำที่ไม่มีใครที่สตีลสตรีทจะให้อภัยได้ แต่ก่อนที่จะจัดการลงโทษคืน ดีแลนต้องการที่จะได้เจทีกลับมาก่อน เขายังไม่มีใจจะคิดเรื่องแก้แค้นตอนนี้

แผนการถูกวางขึ้น เพื่อล่อให้คอนบุกเข้ามาที่สำนักงานใหญ่บนถนนสตีล ทั้งหมดหวังว่าจะทำให้คอนจดจำความหลังได้ แต่บางอย่างผิดพลาด และคอนหนีออกไป พร้อมตัวประกัน สาวน้อยนามว่าเจน ลินเดน (ถ้าจำกันได้เธอมีบทพอสมควรในเรื่อง Crazy Kisses) หญิงสาวผู้มีความหลังกับเจทีเช่นกัน

การตามล่ากันของทั้งสามฝ่ายก็เกิดขึ้น และแน่นอนว่า ตามสไตล์เรื่องราวของหนังสือชุดนี้ ทุกอย่างเกิดขึ้นเพียงแค่ชั่วข้ามคืน

ในแง่ของหนังสือเล่มเดี่ยว เรื่องนี้ไม่ได้โดดเด่นอะไรเป็นพิเศษหรอกนะคะ แต่ในแง่ของอารมณ์ที่เรารอคอยเรื่องนี้มานาน แอบหวังมานานว่า เจทีจะยังไม่ตาย มันจึงเป็นอะไรที่สมหวังไปแล้ว เรารู้สึกว่า ทุกหน้าที่เราได้อ่านเกี่ยวกับเขา คือโบนัส ทั้งที่จริง ๆ แล้วมีองค์ประกอบสำคัญในเรื่องนี้เลยนะคะที่เราไม่ชอบ

นั่นก็คือ กรุงเทพ บ้านเกิดของแม็กซ์กลายเป็นสถานที่แห่งความชั่วร้าย เป็นเมืองที่เจทีถูกจับมาทดลอง หมอโรคจิต และแล็บเถื่อนก็อยู่ในเมืองที่เราอยู่อาศัย แม็กซ์ไม่ค่อยชอบเวลาเมืองไทยถูกเขียนถึงในหน้าหนังสือค่ะ เรารู้สึกเหมือนเป็นบ้านป่าเมืองเถื่อนยังไงไม่รู้ (แต่เพื่อความยุติธรรม ทาราก็ไม่ได้เขียนว่า เมืองไทยไม่ดีหรอกนะคะ เพียงแค่กรุงเทพเป็นสถานที่ที่เจทีอยากจะลืม)

เราชอบที่จับคู่เจที กับเจนนะคะ โดยเฉพาะการเขียนให้ทั้งคู่มีความหลังร่วมกัน ทำให้เรารูสึกว่า การที่เจนไม่ยอมให้เขาหนีไปตามลำัพัง แต่ยืนยันที่จะอยู่กับเขาตลอดเวลาเป็นเรื่องน่าเชื่อ เราอ่านแล้วเชื่อค่ะว่า ถ้าเจทีไม่ได้ถูกจับไปในการทำภารกิจที่โคลัมเบียเมื่อหกปีก่อน ถ้าเขากลับมาเดนเวอร์ได้ เขาจะต้องลงเอยกับเจนตั้งแต่ตอนนั้น แต่เมื่อมันไม่ได้เกิดขึ้น และเขาได้กลับมาเจอกับเธออีกครั้ง นั่นก็คือพรหมลิขิตของกันและกัน

องค์ประกอบที่เราชอบในหนังสือชุดนี้ เล่มนี้มาครบค่ะ ใครที่คิดถึงตัวละครเก่า ๆ ในชุด จะได้เจอกันอย่างถ้วนหน้า โดยเฉพาะคนที่ชอบดีแลน เล่มนี้มีบทเด่นมากค่ะ เพราะเขาคือหัวหน้ากลุ่ม เขารู้สึกผิดเสมอที่ไม่อาจพาเจทีกลับบ้านได้ และนี่คือโอกาสของเขา ดีแลนคือผู้รับผิดชอบ และตัดสินใจ ในขณะเดียวกัน เล่มนี้อาจจะเป็นครั้งแรกที่เราได้มองเห็นทะลุเข้าไปในใจของเขาแบบเต็ม ๆ ได้เห็นถึงความรักที่เขามีให้กับสาวน้อยจอมแสบของเขา สกีตเตอร์

ฉากที่เรารู้สึกว่าน่ารักมาก ไม่ใช่เรื่องราวของตัวเอกอย่างเจที และเจนหรอกค่ะ แต่เป็นฉากที่ดีแลนคุยโทรศัพท์กับสกีตเตอร์ เมื่อเขาขอให้เธอกลับมาที่ฐานปฏิบัติงาน โดยที่ไม่ต้องออกไปพบกับคนร้ายตามแผนที่วางกันไว้ ไม่ใช่เพราะว่า เขาไม่ไว้ใจว่าเธอจะดูแลตัวเองไม่ได้ แต่เป็นเพราะตัวเขาเอง

"This isn't about you, Skeeter," he said "It's about me, and I need you here. If we lose Crutchfield, we'll get him another day. If I lose you..." He couldn't even say it.

Thank God, she didn't make him.

"I'm turning round now."

"Good." That was good. Very good. Now he could breath.

สำหรับคนที่ไม่ได้อ่านเรื่องชุดนี้อาจจะคิดว่า แปลกนะคะ เพราะแทนที่จะประทับใจกับคู่หลักในเรื่อง เรากลับมากรี๊ดกับคู่ในเล่มก่อนหน้า แต่นี่คือสไตล์การเขียนของทารา เจนเซน เราไม่คิดว่า มีนักเขียนคนไหนทำได้แบบนี้นะคะ (โดยไม่ทำให้เรารำคาญ) แต่เรายกให้เธอไว้คนนึง

นอกจากดีแลนแล้ว คาแร็คเตอร์อื่น ๆ ในชุดนี้ก็ออกมามีบทกับถ้วนหน้าค่ะ โดยเฉพาะสมาชิกดั้งเดิมของกลุ่ม คริสเตียน, ครีด, แซค, และคิด พวกเขาร่วมมือกันเพื่อพาเจทีกลับบ้าน

อีกจุดนึงที่เราชอบในเรื่องนี้ อาจจะฟังดูโหดไปบ้างนะคะ แต่เป็นวิธีการที่กลุ่มพระเอกจัดการกับคนร้าย คือไม่ต้องปราณี ทรมานได้เป็นทรมาน เรารู้สึกว่า สะใจมาก

เรานึกอยากให้เรื่องนี้มีฉากคืนสู่เหย้าให้มากกว่านี้ พูดถึงความหลังให้มากกว่านี้ แต่ก็เข้าใจนะคะว่า ยากที่จะทำให้เข้ากับเรื่องราวได้ เพราะต้องคิดถึงคนอ่านที่ไม่ได้อ่านเล่มก่อนหน้าในชุดด้วย ถ้ามัวแต่นึกถึงความหลัง คนที่เพิ่งเริ่มอ่านซีรีย์นี้คงจะมึนแน่ แต่สำหรับแฟนที่ติดตามมาตั้งแต่เล่มแรก เราอยากอ่านเยอะ ๆ น่ะคะ

แต่ในฐานะเล่มปิดชุด เราคิดว่า เรื่องนี้ทำได้ดีค่ะ มีการปิดประเด็นข้อสงสัยเกี่ยวกับคนที่ช่วยเหลือดีแลนมาตลอด คนที่ทำให้ดีแลนได้กลายเป็นหัวหน้าหน่วย SDF ซึ่งประเด็นนี้เรายอมรับว่า ไม่ได้คิดมาก่อน แถมยังโยงเอาพล็อตต่าง ๆ ในชุดนี้ตั้งแต่ช่วงแรก ๆ มาสอดคล้องกันได้อย่างน่าเชื่อ ดังนั้นแม้ว่า เราจะไม่รู้สึกซาบซึ้งไปกับเรื่องราวโรแมนซ์ระหว่างเจที และเจน ทีเ่ราคิดว่า มีน้อยไป แต่ก็ชดเชยได้จากเหตุการณ์ระหว่างพวกเขาเมื่อหกปีก่อน

สรุปว่า แม็กซ์ชอบเล่มนี้ในฐานะส่วนหนึ่งของชุด และคะแนนอยู่ที่ 70

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

551 reviews20 followers

December 14, 2023

Omg this took me forever to finish. It could have been better. I wish J.T./Con had of spent more time with the original chop shop boys instead of spending so much time running from them.

The "romance" was fine but there wasn't enough of it.


September 11, 2017

I read this entire series a while ago. I liked the writing style, setting and characters. Fun, fast reads - all of them.

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

4,394 reviews79 followers

March 2, 2017

When JT Chronopolous went missing and was presumed dead, his friends, coworkers and Denver's street rat community mourned him. The team almost fell apart but never stopped searching. Six years later they have an answer. Back for the series swan song as Conroy Farrel, more than JT's name has changed. He doesn't know JT but he does know SDF took his girl and he's there to get her back.

JT's resurrection is welcome news for the team and again they're asked to believe the unbelievable, that JT has gone rogue. The team's sure if JT falls for their elaborate lure they'll get to the bottom of everything and get their JT back. But the now woman-sized Jane Linden innocently trips the trap and JT glimpses familiar moves that lead to remembering what he had and wanted again.

A barely adult crush gone viral, memories of a night six years ago and a bit of wedged in familiarity didn't have a logic this reader believed so the romance was off for my taste. However, there's excitement Steele Street with the original team revving engines and a mission that starts wrong was reminiscent of the earlier exciting outings, though the women they'd picked up along the way were missed. The cat and mouse of wrapping every loose end of the series, gave purpose to the team's presence and kept the excitement quotient high. Rating:3.5stars

2017-reads adult adventure

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

1,455 reviews1 follower

March 31, 2018

4.5+ stars .

Loose Ends by Tara Janzen (2011) . . This is a wonderful book to end the, down and dirty (11 book), Steele Street series by Tara Janzen. One truly gets to know all the characters. And what is great is that the secondary characters are part of the different stories and have a purpose outside of just being there to introduce them for the next book. It is a 4.5+/5 stars for me and would have been a keeper if I hadn't gotten it through the library. . While I did not read the whole series I did read 1-4 and have the 5 &6 books on inter-library order. This final book could be read as a stand alone but I think you would miss the history (which builds each book) and emotional climax which makes it so good. If nothing else you need the first 3 books as some things are not fully shown or explained again. . From the initial setup in Crazy Hot, the death of J.T. and his brother's angst in Crazy Cool, and for sure the start of the horrors J.T. lives through in Crazy Wild. His death makes an impact on everyone and we see that on his brother, Kid Chaos, in Crazy Kisses. . While the brutality is somewhat toned down for what they would be experiencing it still pushed right up to the limit I could comfortably tolerate sometimes. And what J.T, experiences (and we get pictures of the beginning) and what he ends up living through is truly terrible. I was only going to get the hands-on bosses story (& Skeeter Bang in Crazy Love) but believe Crazy Sweet will help explain a little better what J.T. will be living through after this book ends so decided to back track with that one as well. . If you are thinking in terms of movies this series reminds me of an action flick. The focus is on a couple but the action is pretty intense throughout the books. . SPECIAL DEFENSE FORCE ~~ TARA JANZEN . Order Title 1 Crazy Hot 2 Crazy Cool 3 Crazy Wild 4 Crazy Kisses 5 Crazy Love 6 Crazy Sweet 7 On the Loose 8 Cutting Loose 9 Loose and Easy 10 Breaking Loose 11 Loose Ends


The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

80 reviews6 followers

January 30, 2011

Such a satisfying wrap up to the dual "Crazy" and "Steele Street" series. JT (Con) is hot, protective, intensely focused on his mission, and yet vulnerable when confronted with evidence of the life of which he has no memory. Jane is a beautiful art gallery manager who still retains her street rat instincts. JT and Jane became close 6 years ago after she got caught picking his friend's pocket. On the night before his last mission, they become lovers. He goes off to Columbia, where he is presumed to have been killed. In Breaking Loose, we find out that JT is not dead. The Steele Street boys kidnap his ward, Scout, to lure him to Denver. While he is trying to recover Scout, things go south and Jane ends up being in the car JT steals to escape. He is an unwilling hostage taker, but Jane refuses to get out of the car. JT is kind of perplexed by this turn of events. In one of many classic Tara Janzen lines, JT asks Jane, "Why are you sticking to me like superglue gone wrong? Why are you still in this car?" These two are terrific together, and the sexual tension between them is HOT.

The backstory for Jane and JT is given in a series of flashbacks to their time together 6 years ago. Wonderfully told and you feel for the street urchin Jane, struggling to make a way into the real world, and you understand the connection between the two, as JT had been in Jane's place prior to going into the service.

As a long time reader and fan of these series, I could not have asked for a more satisfying end. I got the closure I was looking for without the gratuitous "kitchen sink" approach of bringing every character from the series back for a reunion. There was no overnight fix for JT's amnesia, although there was some mediation due to a believable treatment, foreshadowed by Gillian's success with the same treatment. I was mostly looking for closure for Kid, who became consumed with finding his brother's murderers, and for Creed, who was emotionally slain by having to watch his best friend be tortured while he was forced to watch, tied up and helpless to save him. Could not have been more perfect.

If you have read the series, Loose Ends will pack an emotional wallop. If you are new to the series, I think the book will still be entertaining as a stand alone, but you probably won't require the entire box of tissues I went through. Loose Ends starts strong on the first page, and only picks up speed. It grabs you and is so action packed, you will be flying through the pages. Tara Janzen creates a vivid world and writes with flair. She flows so easily from gritty, heart stopping action to humor to emotionally wrenching moments. I really like her writing style.

I am sorry to see the series end, but wow! What a way to go!


The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

2,219 reviews169 followers

February 27, 2015

As the 11th book in this series, Loose Ends lives up to it's name and does indeed tie up a lot of loose ends for this series. I am very sad that this is the last book. I truly hope that Tara Janzen decides to write another. But, if not another Steele Street, I really want her to write more. Very few authors can take a set of characters, a place like Steele Street and make them live. You really need to reed all the books and don't skip any. The whole of the series is a world unto itself. It is a wonderful world filled with warriors and the women who love them, hot muscle cars and even hotter sex. Tara Janzen pulls out all the stops and puts to pedal to the metal in this one.

  1. T. Chronooplous was killed in the first book Crazy Hot . He was an original chop shop boy, a street gang that stole cars and was busted and set straight by the military. J.T. was on a mission when he was snatched and it was made to look like he was killed. He has been chemically enhanced, tortured and lost his memory, yet somehow he has retained his core goodness and survived when others didn't. In the last book Breaking Loose the Steele Street gang grabbed Scout, the daughter of a warrior who didn't survive, in order to lure J.T. to Denver to try and capture him to help him. The plan worked and while in Denver J.T. and Jane Linden cross paths and J.T. has a flash of her. He has no idea why, but a lot about Denver is familiar too. When J.T. and his partner, Jack, take Scout from Steele Street, J.T. grabs a car which has Jane in it. They set off and have a wild adventure of a night filled with danger, and they rekindle their long ago love. There are others besides the SDF boys and girls who want J.T. which puts both J.T. and Jane and the SDF gang in danger too.

kindle-own romantic-supense

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

1,345 reviews607 followers

January 26, 2011

Holy $#*%! This was way better than I thought it was going to be. Janzen was kind of slumping in this series but whoa baby came back with a bang on this one. If you haven't read the entire series then good luck understanding what the hell is going on and if you have read the entire series then be prepared to be emotional while reading this book. J.T. and Jane were perfect for each other and I loved how their past relationship was shown throughout the whole book in flashbacks, instead of info dumped. Lead characters I was interested in, yeah! The original chop shop boys all make appearances, with Dylan getting a lot of the attention. There was some fat that could have been trimmed from this book, the whole MNK-1 thing was a little weird but I feel a new series spawning from this idea of SEALs being altered. If so, charge on Janzen I do love me some SEALs (altered or not)! J.T., Kid Chaos, and CREED have their moments of dealing with their emotions in a, sort of, closure. It was 95% satisfying for me as a reader. Anyway, if you have followed this series you definitely, must, I insist, you read this book. It would have gotten five stars if the MNK-1 storyline would have been edited out. Also if there would have been more Kid Chaos. He was and still remains my fav from this series. I need more of him and Nikki. Come on Janzen give me another book or throw me a bone with a novella about him coming to terms with what he does for a living and Nikki knowing about it. Kid Chaos and Nikki are the way to my heart and therefore my wallet. Hint Hint Hint Ms. Janzen!

contemporary military series

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

3,118 reviews77 followers

February 19, 2017

3.5 Stars. This series started off strong for me and then the books were hit and miss. So much so that I kind of lost my passion for the series but I wanted to finish it and find out how J.T. would get his happy ending.

There were some things I really loved about this book and some things that were just okay for me. There was of course a ton of action as always with her books and I do love the cars! I liked that she brought most of the gang back in but not in an obnoxious reunion way. They all had a reason for being in the book and that part worked and worked well. The whole science fiction aspects were a bit off for me. I like science fiction but for some reason I just didn't like it in these books. While I was happy to have J.T. get his HEA I didn't buy that the person he remembered the clearest was a woman he basically liked but had only had a one night stand with. Really he can't remember his brother or his best friend but he remembers that?!? I didn't buy this at all and so the "love" didn't work for me.

I'm not sure the reunion scenes with Kid, Creed and Dylan met my expectations but I did really enjoy them. For fans of the series I think this was a really good final installment.

action-adventure borrowed-books contemporary

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

1,263 reviews20 followers

July 30, 2012

A good ending to Janzen's Steele Street series (I think it's the end?). J.T., the member of the gang who everybody thought died a horrible death in Colombia, was actually sent to Thailand where a mad scientist wiped his memory, made him a super soldier, and made him dependent on dangerous drugs for survival (it's a long story, read the other books). Now that the Steele Street folks know he's alive, they want to capture him long enough to convince him he's not who he thinks he is, and that he belongs back home with them.

Janzen has a lot to wrap up in this book, covering the chase through Denver as well as the aftermath: J.T. has to find some kind of closure with the major characters in his life, including his brother. Also, there had to be a big battle at the end, even though as usual, Steele Street stayed a step ahead of everyone and their team was rarely in danger. However, I don't know if ALL the guns and ALL the bombs were necessary. I think she does a good job, aside from a secondary romance that felt kind of rushed an unnecessary. There are a lot of characters present, and even though this was J.T. and Jane's book, I would have liked to see more ass-kicking from Skeeter or Red Dog. I wasn't really clear on how Dylan's past was no longer an issue, but then again I'm not really worried about those kind of "logical" "details" in a book like this.

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

1,039 reviews31 followers

January 7, 2012

You know, I surprised myself when I ended up buying LOOSE ENDS. I loved the first few books in the Steele Street series, then some head-spinning WTF plots in the following books meant that I stopped buying them a few years ago. But having discovered this was the final Steele Street book, I found myself intrigued as to how Tara Janzen would wrap up the series and welcome home the (missing, presumed dead) final member of the crew.

There are paranormal elements, so be warned, this isn't a straight contemporary romantic suspense (which is a shame, because the SF-ish twists didn't really work for me). But in the end, I enjoyed this, though readers that have followed the entire series would probably have found LOOSE ENDS more satisfying than I did.

Tara Janzen has a knack for writing male dialogue that has this authentic ring to it and even though it has been years, I loved seeing Superman, Kid Chronopolous & the rest of the Steele Street special ops team back together again. The cars, well ahhh... I'm not into cars by any means (I'm happy as long as they get me from A to B), but the passion Janzen (and her characters) had for them added a fun and sexy dimension to the story.

read-in-2011 romance suspense

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

858 reviews20 followers

February 11, 2011

I'm always a little nervous when an author decides to raise the dead. Shannon McKenna did it with middling results last year, so I tried to keep my expectations low. I should have had more faith. Unlike Shannon McKenna, Tara Janzen gives us the emotional payout bringing someone back from the dead requires. J.T.'s death was used to rip the team's heart out - especially Kid & Creed's - and this would have been a hollow exercise without the little heart to hearts.

J.T. is back from the dead in a big WTF genius kind of way. Yes, there's a somewhat obvious continuity issue, but once the flash bags are going off & the Steele Street Garage disgorges its favourite Detroit iron onto the mean (snerf) streets of Denver, who's going to quibble about a little thing like that? I also wanted to know where the hell all the women -not to mention Hawkins' brood- were stashed. Oh, and the oblique references to someone's perchance being in the baby making way going nowhere was mildly annoying. On the plus side explosions, gunplay, hot cars, hot lovin', badass alpha behaviour & a first class HEA.

Loose Ends all nicely tied up.

bgt crs

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

Author 9 books79 followers

October 12, 2011

J.T. is dead…at least that is what everyone thought! His SDF team has grieved him and pushed through their shock to move on. The only issue is, now he isn’t dead, his name is ‘Con’, he has been experimented on and he is on the wrong side! His teammates are determined to get the old J.T. back and have the perfect plan. Jane is shocked to find J.T., uh, Con, is still alive, and through a series of flashbacks, we learn their back story. She is stubborn, determined and exactly what he needs. He is unwavering in seeing his mission to the end, but he can’t deny the evidence of a life he doesn’t remember . . . or the attraction he feels toward Jane. Trying to ‘rescue’ his friend and figure out who and what he really is are only a couple of J.T.’s problems. There is also a crazed soldier that no one can stop! Hot and steamy with plenty of suspense! This book will keep you captivated with a wonderful cast of characters and great storyline.

Reviewed by Ashley Wintters for Suspense Magazine

Want to read

January 21, 2014


11 - (J.T. and Jane)

WHITE-HOT, DOWN-AND-DIRTY PASSION IGNITES WHEN A SEXY SOLDIER ENCOUNTERS AN IRRESISTIBLE THIEF WHO’S CHANGED HER WAYS.  Six years ago, the Special Defense Force mourned the loss of J. T. Chronopolous. Now the striking soldier is back with scant memory, a new nameâ��Conroy Farrelâ��and one single mission: to bring down SDF. But SDF has its own plan: get him back at any cost. And so they’ve set a trap for Con, a trap that Jane Linden accidentally steps into. With darkness falling and the night heating up, Con finds himself on the run in an oddly familiar 1967 Pontiac GTO with a drop-dead-gorgeous brunette named Jane by his side. Who she is he doesn’t know. Or does he? Jane certainly hasn’t forgotten him. When she was a teenager, he caught her picking his pocket. Now the former street thief is all grown up and gone legitâ��and the effect she has on Con is all too clear: pure, sweet longing. Con’s not sure if Jane is there to save him or to take him down. But one thing’s certain: With desire leading the way, all bets are off.

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

491 reviews

May 13, 2012

This was a great book, long but quite the read. I've read a few of the Steele Street Novels but this one was just badass. Certain times, I felt there was a little too much detail given that made the book drag on - informationally, it was good but I just wanted to get to the good stuff. Plus, there were a lot of points of views -- our hero JT, our heroine Jane, the Steele Street crew, JT's crew Jack & Scout, the villain Lancaster, the monster Monk, even the lesser villains got POVs sections. I prefer reading mostly from our hero/heroines side with only quick snippets into the world of others so again, I would have cut out portions of this book to make the reading smoother.

However, the redeeming quality was the final quarter of the book was just plain crazy good. You have to know the outcome would work out for Jane & JT but the extent of which and just the "gathering" if you will of the good guys versus the evil monster was seriously badass. Loved that part, couldn't get enough of it!

Overall, a very satisfying read.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

1,848 reviews

April 1, 2015

Finally at the end of a fun series by Tara Janzen. I was late to the game starting the Steele Street series but I actually enjoyed that more because it meant I could glom through the series as quickly as I could without waiting for publication. It almost felt like the entire series was leading up to this book so this is not a standalone, do not start here. At the very beginning of the series the Steele Street team was devastated by the loss of team member JT except intel shows that JT was not killed but transformed into someone even he doesn’t know. When JT comes back to Denver for answers he’s confronted with former street kid Jane who recognizes the man beneath his new mask. As these two run from foe and friends Jane helps JT remember the man he was and the team he once loved. Great conclusion to the series, I really enjoyed the fast paced action and strong sexy heroines. Fun read!

The long lost memory ร กไม ล ม มาว นไหน

516 reviews94 followers

April 23, 2011

4.5 Stars

I was so excited to finally make it to this book. Yes, I cheated and read all the book summaries beforehand so I knew that J.T. wasn't really dead, but a victim of a horrendous drug experiment all engineered by the White Rook (the founder of SDF) himself! The story and action did not disappoint and all of the operators were present except C. Smith, Johnny & Dax. We even got a side story romance with Scout & Jack, J.T./Con's friends & cohorts. So you might wonder why I gave this book only 4.5 stars instead of 5, well I'll tell you, lol! There was too much going on within the story and not enough J.T/Jane time. I realize that was a necessity in order to answer all the questions that have arisen throughout the series, BUT, this was John Thomas' story and I felt he deserved more page time.