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กดป่ มุ นี้ ดูคาตอบ (Answer Key)

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Unit 1a School CSheelcfk Unit 1b First day! Unit 1c Write soon Unit 1d Culture Corner Unit 1e Hello! Unit 1f Curricular Cut


Textbook Language

Internet Research

Answer Key 1 D 2 E 3 F 4 C 5 B 6 A

School days

Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3

1 3 2

Unit 1a School

What’s your favourite subject?

Days of the week

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Unit 1b First day!

Is it an eraser Are you twelve Are they pencils Are you in Year 7

Suggested Answer Key

I’m Fiona. I’m 15 years old. My favourite subject is History.

Unit 1c Write soon


Merton Secondary School English and History

Enrique Iglesias

Ann is 12 years old. He is a student. Shakira is a singer. They are 13 years old.

Answer Key 1 Ann is 12. She’s in my class. 2 They are Claire and Steve Smith. 3 Nora and Phil are from England. 4 The Art class is in Room D on

Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Suggested Answer Key

1 My name’s Sandra. 2 I’m 14 years old. 3 I go to Fenway Secondary School. 4 My favourite school subject is IT. 5 My favourite singer is Robbie Williams.


Hi! My name’s Sandra. I’m 14 years old and I’m a student at Fenway Secondary School. My favourite school subjects are IT and PE. My favourite singer is Robbie Williams. He’s great! Please write soon. Sandra Wells

Unit 1d Culture Corner

Look at the diagram. What is it about? Schools in England

Answer Key The diagram is about the education system in England and how old students are at each level.

Answer Key

• Jim is 19 years old. Laura - 17 Jim - 19 He’s at university.

• Fiona is 13 years old. She’s at secondary school.

• Tim is 9 years old. He’s at primary school.

Tim - 9 Fiona - 13

Suggested Answer Key

Primary school Junior High School 6-12 years old 12-14 years old

Senior High School University/Higher Education 15-18 years old 18+ years old

The education system in my country is different from the English system. It does not have a sixth form but three years of junior high school and three years of senior high school.

Unit 1e Hello!



Answer Key

1 Pic A: Jane and Paul are friends. 2 Pic C: Liz and Mrs Brown are relatives.

Suggested Answer Key A: Goodbye, Tony! B: Goodbye, Liz. See you later. A: Good morning, Ann. A: See you! B: Hello, Pete. A: How are you? B: I’m fine, thanks. And you? A: Not bad. See you later. B: OK! Goodbye.

Suggested Answer Key

/eΙ/: eraser, strange, day, Spain /æ/: notepad, can, diagram, Ann

Unit 1f Curricular Cut


Suggested Answer Key

I like working in pairs.

Answer Key

The poster is about how we should behave when we work in pairs or groups at school.

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