วิธีการบริหารงานเอกสารในสำนักงาน สมัยใหม่

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Lewis Kelling ���������¢ͧ������ӹѡ�ҹ ������ ���¶֧ ʶҹ������ա����ͺ������ ��èѴ������͡�����§ҹ ��èѴ���͡��� ��С�ú����çҹ�͡���
George R. Terry ͸Ժ�¶֧�ѡɳТͧ�ӹѡ�ҹ������ �ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ ���¶֧ ��ô��Թ�ҹ�Ѻ��������������ѵ�ػ��ʧ�����˹� ������»Ѩ��µ�ҧ � ���� �ؤ�ҡ� �ػ�ó� ����ͧ�������ͧ�� ��ʴ��ػ�ó� ������ҳ ����к���ҧ � ��Ҵ��¡ѹ ���������ѡ��èѴ��� ��� ��ѡ����ҧἹ ��èѴͧ��� ��ú����çҹ�ؤ�� ����ӹ�¡����С����觡�� ��û���ҹ�ҹ��ФǺ����ҹ ������������ѵ�ػ��ʧ��ͧͧ���ù��
J.C. Denyer �����������¢ͧ�ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ������ �繡�èѴͧ���������ӹѡ�ҹ������بش������� �Ѵ��˹�ҷ������ؤ�ҡ� �ػ�ó�����Ըջ�Ժѵ����������� ����֧��èѴ��Ҿ�Ǵ��������
Zone K. Quible �����������¢ͧ�ӹѡ�ҹ������ ���ٹ���ҧ�ͧ���������Ǻ����ҡ˹��§ҹ��ҧ � �������Թ��ù��ҨѴ�к����ҧ�������

George R. Terry ��͸Ժ���ѡɳТͧ�ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ������ �ӹѡ�ҹ���ѡɳдѧ���
1. �ѡɳЧҹ��ǹ�˭�ͧ�ӹѡ�ҹ �л�Сͺ仴��§ҹ����� �ҹ��ͺ������ �ҹ�ӹdz �ҹ�͡Ẻ����ҧἹ ���ѡɳ��繧ҹ�͡��� (paper work) ���������ͧ�������ǡѺ�ҹ���� �������ͧ����Ҩҡ�ҹ��¹͡
2. ˹�ҷ���������дǡ (Facilltating Function) ��� �ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ�繧ҹ�ӹ�¤����дǡ����ʹѺʹع�ŧҹ�ͧ˹��§ҹ��� ��ӹѡ�ҹ����ջ���Է���Ҿ�ҡ��� �� ��û�Ѻ��ا�ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ����Ǵ������觢�� ��èѴ�к���÷ӧҹ�����¢�� �繡�ê�����龹ѡ�ҹ����˹��§ҹ�Դ�������ͧ���㹡�ô��Թ�ҹ�����ͧ��ҧ � ��Ъ������ؤ�ż���ҵԴ������Ѻ�����дǡ�Ǵ���������ͧ��Ƿ���ҵԴ���
3. �ҹ����ԡ�� (A Service Work) �ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ�繧ҹ����������ԡ�� ����������ҹ��ѡ��� � �ͧ�ӹѡ�ҹ �� �ҹ��Ъ�����ѹ�� ��û���ҹ�ҹ�Ѻ˹��§ҹ��� �����ؤ�ŷ���价�����������¹ͧ͡����
4. ����ҳ�ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ�������Ѻͧ���Сͺ��¹͡�ӹѡ�ҹ�������ö�Ǻ����� �� �ӹǹ�١��� �ӹǹ��������ͺ�Դ��ͷ�������ѧ˹��§ҹ �ӹǹ���������Ǣ�ͧ�Ѻ˹��§ҹ �ӹǹ��ë��͢���Թ��� ����ҳ�������ԡ�����١���
5. �ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ����ǹ�������Դ�š������áԨ㹷ҧ���� ���Чҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ�繧ҹ������ԡ����˹��§ҹ��� ����ö���ҧ������зѺ� �ӹ�¤����дǡ�Ǵ������֧����������ǹ����㹡�����ҧ���㹷ҧ�������áԨ �� ��èѴ����¹����ѵ��١��� ��õԴ����١����������
6. �ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ�繧ҹ����ͧ����¤س���ѵ����ͤس�Ҿ��ǹ�ؤ��㹡�û�Ժѵ� �� ������ҳյ �������Ҵ���º���� ������§���١��ͧ ��С�������������ѹ���ѹ���������������

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1. ��ʶҹ���������Ǣ�ͧ�Ѻ�Ԩ�����ͧͧ���� ���ͻ���ª��㹡�ô��Թ��� ������ٹ���ҧ�ͧ�����Ţ������ ��ú����á�õѴ�Թ���觡�� �Ǻ������
2. ����ǹ�����Թ���㹴�ҹ��ҧ � ���ͧ��������ö�����ʹ�� �դ�����蹤� ��ԭ�Ժ� ���ҧ�Ҿ������ͧ����
3. �����觡�ҧ㹡���Ǻ�����������Т������ ���ͻ���ª��㹡���ҧἹ�ҹ�͹Ҥ���������ѵ�ػ��ʧ�� ���������¢ͧͧ����
4. ����ʹѺʹع��÷ӧҹ�ͧ��§ҹ��ѡ �����˹��§ҹ�����ҧ����� �š��������ͧ���� �� �ҹ��õ�Ҵ ��èѴ���� ��ú�ԡ�� ��û�Ъ�����ѹ�� �ҹ������ �ҹ����Թ��кѭ��
5. �ӹѡ�ҹ����ǹʹѺʹع���ͧ�������Ѻ�������Ѻ�������Ͷ��㹡�ô��Թ�Ԩ�����ͧ˹��§ҹ �դ�������ѹ��Ѻ��Ҿ�Ǵ�������������¹ͧ͡����
6. �ӹѡ�ҹ���ٹ���ҧ�ͧ��ô��Թ�ҹ�¡��ҧ�ҡ�ҡ�ٹ���ҧ��ü�Ե �� �ç�ҹ�ص��ˡ�����ҧ � ��ͧ���ӹѡ�ҹ��ҧ�������㹷��ŷ���дǡ ���µ�͡�õԴ��� ����ö���ٹ���ҧ㹡���Ѻ�觢�����
7. �ӹѡ�ҹ�Ѵ��駢�����ͻ���ª��㹡���觢ѹ�ҧ��áԨ �����������㹰ҹз������ö�����º����觢ѹ㹴�ҹ��õ�͹�Ѻ ��ú�ԡ�� ��õԴ����١���
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1. �ӹѡ�ҹ����ͧ���ù���������Ҿ���Ҵ����º ʡ�á ������Ѻ��ô����ѡ������������Ҿ����
2. ��ô��Թ�ҹ�դ�����Ҫ�� ���Ѻ�ӵ�˹��բ�ͼԴ��Ҵ ����ͧ���¹���� � �ҹ������稷ѹ�����˹�����
3. �س�Ҿ�ͧ�ҹ������ҵðҹ������� �������ö��º�Ѻ�ӹѡ�ҹ��� � ���բ�ͺ����ͧ
4. �ӹǹ�ͧ����Ң����ԡ�������Ѻ��ԡ��Ŵ����ŧ �������зѺ�㹡�õԴ��ͧҹ����Ф���
5. ��ѡ�ҹ��ӹѡ�ҹ���֧���㹧ҹ ����˹��� ��������������������ʹء�Ѻ�ҹ�Ҩ���ͧ�Ҩҡ�ҹ���� ���͡�ú��������١��ͧ ��Ҿ�Ǵ�������������ӹ��
6. �Դ���������ͧ �٭���·�Ѿ�ҡ��ҡ�Թ�������� �բ�ͼԴ��Ҵ�٧ �������������٧���仴���
7. �ѵ�ҡ������͡�ҡ�ҹ�ͧ��ѡ�ҹ (Turnover) �٧ �Ҩ��������Ҿ�Ǵ�����ͧʶҹ���ӧҹ �����к���ú����÷��Ҵ����Է���Ҿ �Դ�ҡ��������繸��� ����ա�è٧㨾�ѡ�ҹ

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1. �ҹ�͡��� ���¶֧ �ҹ��ͺ �Դ��� ��ú����çҹ�͡��� �ҹ��á�� �ҹ��ú�ó ��úѹ�֡ �����§ҹ ��èѴ���͡��� �ҹ��Ъ��
2. �ҹ�Ţҹء�� �������͹���Ҿ����ͧͧ��ù�� ���� �������ԡ�çҹ�Ţҹء��������ӹѡ�ҹ��� �� ��è��ѹ�֡�����§ҹ ��ùѴ���§ҹ�Դ��͵�͹�Ѻ ��û���ҹ�ҹ�����ͧ��ҧ �
3. �ҹ����Թ��С�úѭ�� ���¶֧ ����Ѻ-�����Թ��������ҧ � ����ԡ�����Թ������㹡�ô��Թ�ҹ ������ѡ���Թ ��èѴ�ӧ�����Թ��ҧ � �� ����� �����âҴ�ع ���
4. �ҹ�Ѵ��Ἱ�ҹ ���¶֧ ��á�˹�Ἱ�ҹ��ѡ Ἱ�ҹ������� Ἱ������� Ἱ��ô��Թ�ҹ Ἱ��û�Ժѵԧҹ �������ö���Թ������ҧ�Һ��蹵��Ἱ����ҧ���
5. �ҹ�����ҡ� ���¶֧ ��èѴ�ҧἹ��ê������� ��ú����çҹ�����ҡ� �����Թ��ԵԺؤ�� ��è���������С�âͤ׹����
6. �ҹ��ʴ� ���¶֧ ��èѴ�� ��èѴ���;�ʴ��ػ�ó����ѳ�� ����ͧ�������ͧ�� ����� ������ ��� ����ͧ��͵�ҧ � ������㹡�÷ӧҹ�ͧ���µ�ҧ � ����֧����Ѻ��觢ͧ ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ��ʴؤ������ ���
7. �ҹ�Ҥ��ʶҹ��� ���¶֧ ��èѴ�Ҥ��ʶҹ��� ���ا�ѡ�������§��������� ���������ǹ�����ش������� ���������§�����Ҵ���º���� �� ��ͧ����� ��ͧ��� �Ҥ���ӹѡ�ҹ��� ���
8. ��õԴ���������� ���¶֧ ��èѴ������ӹ�¤����дǡ㹡�õԴ���������� �������ԡ�õԴ���������� �� ���Ѿ��ء������ ����� ����Ѻ-�� ������ �Թ������
9. �ҹ�Ըա�����СԨ������ҧ � �ҹ����Ҩ�Ѵ�繡Ԩ��������ɡ��� ���¶֧ �ҹ�Ըյ�ҧ � ���Ѵ�����������ͺ�� �Ԩ�����ͧ�ѧ�� �Ԩ�����ͧ��ѡ�ҹ �� ��èѴ�Է��ȡ�û�Шӻ� ����Դ����Թ��� �ҹ�ú�ͺ�ѹ��͵�駺���ѷ� �ҹ�ѧ��ä��Шӻ� ���
10. �ҹ��Ъ�����ѹ�� ���¶֧ ������ҧ��������ѹ���ѹ�������ҧͧ������������¹ͧ͡��� ��èѴ�����͵�ҧ � �����Ԩ��âͧ˹��§ҹ �������ԡ�ô�ҹ��Ъ�����ѹ����ؤ�����������¹͡˹��§ҹ
11. �ҹ�Ըա�����СԨ������ҧ � �ҹ����Ҩ�Ѵ�繧ҹ�Ԩ��������ɡ��� ���¶֧ �ҹ�Ըյ�ҧ � �ըѴ����բ��������ͺ�� �Ԩ�����ͧ�ѧ�� �Ԩ�����ͧ��ѡ�ҹ �蹹Է��ȡ�û�Шӻ� ����Դ����Թ��� �ҹ��͹�Ѻ������������ �ҹ�ѧ��ä��Шӻ� ���
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1. �Ѵͧ�����ӹѡ�ҹ����ջ���Է���Ҿ ����ҹ
1.1 ��˹�����էҹ���ú�ҧ���е�ͧ�� (��˹�����˹�ҷ����ѡ�ͧ˹��§ҹ)
1.2 ��˹���������ѹ�������ҧ�ҹ��ҧ� ������ҧ�Ѵਹ ����դ�����ӫ�͹�ѹ
1.3 �ͺ�����ӹҨ˹�ҷ����Ф����Ѻ�Դ�ͺ��ؤ�ŵ�ҧ � ������˹�
1.4 ��˹������Ѻ�Դ�ͺ�ͧ��ѡ�ҹ���е��˹�������ҧ�Ѵਹ
2. �Ѵ���������ӹ�¤����дǡ�ҧ����Ҿ��ӹѡ�ҹ�����§�� ����
2.1 �ѴἹ�ѧ�ӹѡ�ҹ �Ѵ�ҧ����ͧ���ӹѡ�ҹ�������ͧ��͵�ҧ � ������������§�� ��§���������ͧ�����ҹ���㹻���ҳ��Фس�Ҿ
2.2 �Ѵ������ʧ���ҧ���ҧ����§ ������������آ�Ҿ�� �Ѵ��Ҿ�Ǵ�����ҧ�آ͹���·���
2.3 ��Ѵ���§ú�ǹ��ҧ ������º���ҡ�ȡ�÷ӧҹ
2.4 �Ѵ����ա�ö�����ҡ�����ҧ����§ ���������Դ������
2.5 ����ѡ�Ҥ�����ʹ��������ӹѡ�ҹ
3. ��˹���������´��Сͺ��èѴ������ͧ�������ͧ�� �����ʴ��ӹѡ�ҹ ���͡�˹��س���ѵԢͧ����ͧ�������ͧ���ӹѡ�ҹ����Դ�����дǡ㹡�èѴ����
4. �Ѵ���������ͧ��͵Դ���������� ��С������ԡ�����ҧ����§ ���� ����ͧ��ͷ����㹧ҹ �ѧ���
4.1 �ҹ��ͺ������ �ҹ����� �ҹ�Ѵ���� �� ����ͧ���������� ����ͧ�����մ俿��
4.2 �ҹ���͡��� �� ������͡��� ����͡���
4.3 �ҹ�Ѻ-��˹ѧ��� �����ɳ����ѳ�� �� ����ͧ���˹�ҫͧ������
4.4 �ҹ����ԡ�����Ţ ���Ѿ�� ����� �� ����ͧ���Ѿ�쪹Դ����� �к����������Ѿ�� ISDN, ������ԡ�þ���ɢͧ������������觻������
4.5 �ҹ��Ъ�����ѹ�� ���� ����ͧ���������õ�ҧ � ����դ����ѹ���� ��������ͻ�Ъ�����ѹ�����������
4.6 �ҹ����ԡ����˹ѧ��� ��Т���������� �蹺��촵Դ��С��
5. �ѡ������ѹ��Ҿ�ѹ�������ҧ��¨�ҧ����١��ҧ
5.1 �Ѵ����ա�äǺ����ҹ���ҧ���������о���§
5.2 ��������ҹ��л����Թ��ҧҹ
5.3 �Ԩ�óҡ�˹��дѺ�Թ��͹ ��ҵͺ᷹����繸���
5.4 �Ѵ���͡�ؤ����ҷӧҹ�¾Ԩ�óҨҡ��������ö ���ʺ��ó� �����駤����Ѻ�Դ�ͺ
5.5 �֡ͺ����оѲ�Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ����շѡ��㹡�û�Ժѵԧҹ
5.6 �٧㨾�ѡ�ҹ��ӹѡ�ҹ
6. ��������ҹ��л�Ѻ��ا�Ըջ�Ժѵԧҹ��ӹѡ�ҹ ��
6.1 �֡������ǡѺ�������͹���㹡�÷ӧҹ������Ըշӧҹ���������
6.2 ��˹������ҵðҹ�ͧ�ҹ���Ъ�Դ
6.3 ��˹��Ըջ�Ժѵԧҹ���ҧ�ջ���Է���Ҿ
6.4 �֡��෤�Ԥ��û�Ѻ��ا�ҹ ��зӡ�û�Ѻ��ا�ҹ����繻ѭ��
7. �Ǻ����ҹ��ӹѡ�ҹ
7.1 ��äǺ����س�Ҿ�ҹ
7.2 ��û����Թ�š�û�Ժѵԧҹ
7.3 ��˹����ҡ�÷ӧҹ
7.4 �Ѵ�Ӥ����͡�û�Ժѵԧҹ
7.5 �Ѵ�ӧ�����ҳ ����纺ѹ�֡��������㹡�û�Ժѵԧҹ
7.6 ����Ѻ�ѧ����ʹ�����Т�͵�˹Ե���¹�ҡ�ؤ���� �

William H. Leffingwell ���Ѻ��â�ҹ�������繺ԴҢͧ��èѴ����ӹѡ�ҹ �����繤��á�������ѡࡳ��ҧ�Է����ʵ�������ӹѡ�ҹ �������¹���ҡ�èѴ����ӹѡ�ҹẺ�Է����ʵ�� (Secientific Office Management) ���͹����㹡�û�Ժѵԧҹ��ӹѡ�ҹ�������Է���Ҿ ������ѡࡳ��ѧ���
1. ����ҧἹ (Plan) ��˹�ҷ���á㹡�û�Ժѵԧҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ���Шз�����Һ��ǧ˹������աԨ����㴺�ҧ���е�ͧ����з����ҧ�� ��ؤ�ҡ÷���դس���ѵ����ҧ�����ػ�ó����� �е�ͧ�����������ҧ�� �ջѭ�����÷���Ҩ�Դ������������Ƿҧ��ͧ�ѹ �Ъ�������÷ӧҹ������ҧ�Һ�������ջ���Է���Ҿ��л����Ѵ
2. ��èѴ�ӵ��ҧ��û�Ժѵԧҹ (Schedule) ���������Ἱ�ҹ����ҡ����ٻ���������繵�꡵�������Һ�ǷҧἹ��÷ӧҹ���ͨ����Ѻ��ا����ʹ���ͧ�Ѻʶҹ��ó� ���������㹡�÷ӧҹ���Ъ�Դ
3. ��ú����çҹ (Excute) ���������ӹѡ�ҹ�������˹�ҧҹ�繼����觡����ФǺ���������Ҽŧҹ��仵��Ἱ������˹������С�á�з���������ҷ���˹���������ҧ��û�Ժѵԧҹ
4. ����Ѵ�ŧҹ (Measure) ������黯Ժѵԧҹ������������˹�觤���ա�äǺ���������Ҽŧҹ��仵����ͧ���������� �繡�õ�Ǩ�ͺ����Ѵ�ŧҹ���㹴�ҹ�س�Ҿ��л���ҳ
5. �������ҧ��� (Reward) ������Ѵ�ŧҹ��边ѡ�ҹ�����Ǿ���Ҽŧҹ���繷���Ҿ�㨷��㹴�ҹ�س�Ҿ��л���ҳ������稷ѹ�����˹����Ҵ��¼ŧҹ���� ����ա������ҧ������ͨ٧� ����Ǫ���������������ҧ��ѭ��С��ѧ�����边ѡ�ҹ

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1. �վ�鹰ҹ�������㹸�áԨ��ҹ��ҧ � �� ��ҹ�ѭ�� ��ҹ��õ�Ҵ ����Թ��úѭ�� ��ú�����
2. �դ������੾�д�ҹ��Ң��Ԫҡ�ú������ӹѡ�ҹ�����ҧ�� �� �դ�����������ͧ�ҹ��á�� �ҹ��ú�ó ���������ͧ������ҧ � ����ö��Ժѵ��� �֡������ͧ�������ͧ����ӹѡ�ҹ�����෤��������� � ��������
3. �դ�������ö㹡�ú����èѴ��� ���͹Ӥ������ҧ��ҹ��ú�����������ӹѡ�ҹ�����ҧ�١��ͧ �� ��ѡ��èѴ��� ����ҧἹ�ҹ ��èѴͧ��� ����繼��ӷ���
4. �ջ��ʺ��ó�㹡�÷ӧҹ �դ����ͺ���㹧ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ�����ҧ�� ���ѭ���������ö��䢻ѭ����
5. �դس���ѵ���� � ����
- �դ����繼��� (Leadership) �դ����Դ����������ҧ��ä� ����ö�Ѵ�Թ��������ҧ��
- ����Ǿ�Ժ�� (Intelligence) ��� �դ�������ǩ�Ҵ ����ö��䢻ѭ����
- �դ�����蹤��ҧ������ (Stability) ��� �繼�����ըԵ���蹤������͹��ǧ��� �դ���˹ѡ�� ����ö�Ѻ�ѧ�ӵ�˹Ե�ҧ � �����㨾ĵԡ����ͧ���������Ǣ�ͧ
- �դ�������ö㹡�õԴ���������� (Liaison Capacity) ��� ����ö�Դ�����������繷����������� �����Ҩ��繡��������ô����Ҩ� ��������ѡɳ��ѡ��
- �դ�������ö㹡���ͺ���§ҹ (Ability to Delegate) ����ͺ���§ҹ���١��ͧ ��������Ѻ����դ������ ��������ö����СѺ�ҹ ���ѡ�ͺ�����ӹҨ˹�ҷ����������㹡�õѴ�Թ�
- �繼���ͧ��ó��� (Vision) ��� ����繼��������·�ȹ�����ҧ�� �ҧἹ�������ǧ˹�� ����ö�Ҵ����˵ء�ó���ǧ˹���� �����������������ѹ��ǧ��
- �դ�������㹴�ҹ��èѴͧ���������ҧ�� ��� �դ������㹴�ҹ��ú����èѴ��� �����ǧ�Ҥ���������� � ���������������
- �դ�������ö㹡�û�Ժѵԡ�� ��� ����öŧ��ͻ�Ժѵ������Чҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ�繧ҹ�������ҡ �դ�����Ѻ�Ѻ��͹ �з������������������������´�ͧ�ѭ�ҵ�ҧ � �����觢��
- ��������ѹ (Humour) �繼�����ѡ��͹���¤����֧���´������黯Ժѵԧҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ
- �դ��������ѵ���ب�Ե ����繼���ѡ�Ҥ����Ѻ��ҧ � �������ҧ�� ����ö�Ǻ�������ѡ�Ң����ŵ�ҧ � �������������������ҧ��

C.L. Littlefield ���˹����ҷ������ͧ���������ӹѡ�ҹ��ѡɳТͧ�������� (Administrator) ���ѧ���
1. �������è�����Ǣ�ͧ�Ѻ��õѴ�Թ㨴�ҹ��º��
2. ���������ӹѡ�ҹ�դ������㹴�ҹ෤����յ�ҧ �
3. �����������ѡ�Ǻ����鹷ع��������㹡�û�Ժѵԧҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ�����ҧ�����Ѵ����ش
4. ������������������ö੾�д�ҹ�ͧ��ѡ�ҹ ���������ŧҹ����դس�Ҿ �١��ͧ �Ǵ���� ��л����Ѵ
�ҡ�ǤԴ�ѧ����� �繡���ʴ���������� ���ҷ�ͧ���������ӹѡ�ҹ����¹�ŧ�㹷ҧ�������Ǣ�ͧ�Ѻ��º�� ��õѴ�Թ� ���ҷ�ͧ���������ӹѡ�ҹ�֧����¹��繼������á�èѴ����ӹѡ�ҹ (Administrator Office Management)

���������ӹѡ�ҹ�·���� ��˹�ҷ������͹������ҹ�ͧ�ӹѡ�ҹ ��˹�ҷ������Ѻ�Դ�ͺ�Ԩ�������� � ���ҧ �ѧ���
1. ����Ѻ�Դ�ͺ����Ҥ���ӹѡ�ҹ ���� ����͡Ẻ�ӹѡ�ҹ ����ҧἹ ��С�èѴ�ҧ�ѧ�ӹѡ�ҹ ��èѴ�ʧ���ҧ�����ӹѡ�ҹ ���
2. �Ѻ�Դ�ͺ�������������������ͧ���ӹѡ�ҹ ���� ������͡��������ػ�ó��ҧ � ��á�˹��ҵðҹ�ͧ�ػ�ó��ҧ � ���
3. �Ѻ�Դ�ͺ��͡�èѴͧ���� ���� ��èѴ�觧ҹ��Ἱ���ҧ � �����ҧ������� ����ӫ�͹�ѹ ��á�˹�˹�ҷ������Ѻ�Դ�ͺ���Ѵਹ
4. �Ѻ�Դ�ͺ��͡�äǺ��������ӹѡ�ҹ ���¶֧ ��äǺ����������ʴ��ػ�ó��ҧ � �� ��д��������������ͧ ���ػ�ó����ҧ�ջ���Է���Ҿ�ҡ����ش
5. �Ѻ�Դ�ͺ��͡�õԴ���������� ����Ѻ�Դ�ͺ㹡���Ѻ-�� �͡������֧��ͼ���Ѻ�Դ�ͺ��ͤ������㨷��١��ͧ���ͼԴ��Ҵ�ͧ��ͤ�������������
6. �Ѻ�Դ�ͺ��͡�ú����çҹ�ؤ����ӹѡ�ҹ ���� �Ѻ�Դ�ͺ㹡�ü�Ե�͡��� ��èѴ���͡��� ��èѴ�������͡��� ��û�ͧ�ѹ������ʹ������͡����Ӥѭ �͡����Ѻ�������������͡���¹͡
7. �Ѻ�Դ�ͺ��͡�ú����çҹ�ؤ����ӹѡ�ҹ ���� �Ѻ�Դ�ͺ㹡���ͺ�����ӹҨ˹�ҷ�������˹�ҷ�����Ф���������� �ա�á�˹���ҵͺ᷹����繸��� ���
8. �Ѻ�Դ�ͺ��͡�èѴ�к�����Ըջ�Ժѵ� ���� ��û�Ѻ��ا�Ըա�û�Ժѵ���С�кǹ��û�Ժѵ������ҧ�ջ���Է���Ҿ �Ǵ������ж١��ͧ �Ѵ���ҵðҹ��÷ӧҹ ������Ըա�÷ӧҹ�����¢�� ��û�Ѻ��ا�ҹ


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1. ��þѲ���Ƿҧ�Ըա�û�Ժѵԧҹ����դس�Ҿ�٧ ��������Է���Ҿ��÷ӧҹ �������ö�Ѵ��ҡ�ŧҹ����ҡ����ٻ����
2. ��õԴ��ͻ���ҹ�ҹ�Ѻ˹��§ҹ������������¹͡˹��§ҹ ������������ҧ���������ѹ�յ�͡ѹ
3. ��äǺ����س�Ҿ�ͧ�ŧҹ����Ǵ���Ƕ١��ͧ ���Թ��������������ǧ�����˹�����
4. ��ô�������Ѻ�Դ�ͺ�����Ҿ�Ǵ�����ӹѡ�ҹ �Ҥ��ʶҹ��� ��èѴ�ҧ�ػ�ó�����ͧ�������ͧ���ҧ � ���������º���º���� ��§�� �����§����������Ѻ�����ҹ
5. �������ԡ��㹴�ҹ��èѴ���͡��â�������������ѡ�ҹ��ҧ�ԧ ���͡���ѡ�Ҥ�����ʹ���������ŷ���繤����Ѻ
6. ��Ѻ��ا��÷ӧҹ����ʹ���ͧ�Ѻ�������¹�ŧ㹴�ҹ��áԨ ��èѴ������ͧ�������ͧ���ػ�ó�������������Ҫ���㹡�÷ӧҹ

�ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ����ö�����繴�ҹ��ҧ � �ѧ���
1. �ҹ��ԡ�ü�������
��黯Ժѵԧҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ㹴�ҹ��ԡ�ü������ù���Ҩ��ͧ��Ժѵԧҹ����Ǣ�ͧ�Ѻ�Ţҹء�âͧ������������������§����ҹ�ҹ�ѹ �������ԡ�ü��������ѧ����ö�觡������ԡ���͡��ѧ���
1.1 ��ҹ������ �����������������Ѻ��������������´㹡�õѴ�Թ㨡���ҧἹ��á�˹���º��
1.2 ��ҹ��ü�Ե�͡��� ��͡�ö��·ʹ�����Դ ��õѴ�Թ� Ἱ�ҹ��º�µ�ҧ � �͡��������ѡɳ��ѡ�� �����͡�ҧ�ͧ��õԴ���������÷����㨤����ú��ǹ �Ѵਹ ���������ѡ�ҹ�͡�����ҧ�ԧ��
1.3 ��ҹ��õԴ��ͻ���ҹ�ҹ���������¹ͧ͡���� ���¶֧ �ҹ��ԡ�ü�������㹡�ö��·ʹ������ ������������Ѻ�����Ũҡ�ؤ���������˹��§ҹ��� ������������¹͡�ӹѡ�ҹ
1.4 ��ҹ��èѴ����Թ�ҧ���������âͧ˹��§ҹ ��ô�ç���˹觼��������ѡ�ҡ�ա���Թ�ҧ��ʶҹ����ҧ �

2. �ҹ��ҹ�������͡���
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2.1 �ҹ��õԴ���������ô�ҹ������ ��黯Ժѵԧҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ�е�ͧ���˹ѡ�֧�����Ӥѭ�ͧ���������͡�õѴ�Թ㨢ͧ�������� �¡�èѴ�Ң����ŷ��ѹ���� �ú��ǹ �١��ͧ ������Ͷ���� �Ъ�������õѴ�Թ㨶١��ͧ�ҡ��觢��
2.2 �ҹ��ҹ��ú�ó ��黯Ժѵԧҹ��ú�ó����դ�����������ͧ������º��ҧ � �����ҧ�� ����ǡѺ�ҹ��ú�ó �ҹ��á�� �Ըջ�Ժѵ� ��˹�������ҧ�Ѵਹ���֧��鹵͹��Ժѵ� ����º�ҹ��ú�ó��ҧ � ����ҹ��е�ͧ�ִ�������ѡࡳ��㹡�÷ӧҹ �� ��鹵͹��ù��ʹ��͡��� ��ü�Ե�͡��� ��è�ṡ�͡�����ѧ˹��§ҹ��ҧ � ��èѴ���͡��� ��С�÷�����͡���
2.3 �ҹ��ҹ��èѴ���͡��� �ҹ��ҹ���Ѻ����������Ӥѭ�ա���ҧ�ͧ��û�Ժѵԧҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ ��ѡ�Ӥѭ�ͧ��èѴ���͡��� ��� �Ѵ���͡������ҧ�è֧�Ф�������� ����Ǵ��������͵�ͧ�����

3. �ҹ��ҹʶҹ�����о�ʴ��ػ�ó�
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3.1 ��Ҿ��÷ӧҹ ���¶֧ ��Ҿ�Ǵ���������ӹѡ�ҹ ����������º ��èѴ�ҧἹ�ѧ��·ҧ�Թ�ͧ�ҹ ��þԨ�ó����͡ʶҹ������������ �س����Է��������� �ʧ���ҧ������ѹ���µ����µ� ���Ȩҡ���§ú�ǹ �Ъ������ҧ����ҡ�ȷ���㹡�û�Ժѵԧҹ
3.2 ��ʴ��ӹѡ�ҹ ���� ��觢ͧ����ͧ��������ͧ�����ӹѡ�ҹ �� ��д�� �ҡ�� ��� �������ä�è��դ������㹡�ú����çҹ��ʴ� ��èѴ�Ҿ�ʴ��������§��������ҹ ��èѴ���������º���º������л�ʹ��¨ҡ��ê��ش ���к�������ѡ�ҷ���
3.3 �ҹ��ҹ�ػ�ó��ӹѡ�ҹ ���� ��èѴ���ػ�ó��ӹѡ�ҹ ��觶���繷�Ѿ���Թ���âͧ�ӹѡ�ҹ����դس�Ҿ��������Ѻ������ͧ�����س�Ҿ������駺����ҳ�����Ѵ ��о�ѡ�ҹ�е�ͧ�դ�������ö㹡�����ػ�ó��ӹѡ�ҹ�����ҧ��

4. �ҹ��ҹ��û�Ъ��
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5. �ҹ��Ъ�����ѹ��
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�ҹ��ҹ��Ъ�����ѹ�� ��Сͺ仴��§ҹ��ҧ �ѧ���
5.1 �ҹ��û�Ъ�����ѹ�������ӹѡ�ҹ ���¶֧ ��õԴ�����������������ҧ���������ѹ�������ͧ��ҧ � �ͧ��ѡ�ҹ�ء�дѺ�˹��§ҹ ���� �������� ��ѡ�ҹ���µ�ҧ � ���������ͧ��Ǣ�����õ�ҧ � ����Һ
5.2 �ҹ��Ъ�����ѹ����¹͡�ӹѡ�ҹ ���¶֧ ��õԴ������������������Դ���������ѹ�աѺ�ؤ����¹͡˹��§ҹ �� ��õԴ����١��� ��õԴ��͡Ѻ����ѷ��� �繵�
5.3 �ҹ��Ъ�����ѹ������������õ����Ū���ҧ � �� ��ù��ʹ͢�����õ�ҧ � �� ����йӼ�Ե�ѳ������ ����йӺ�ԡ������
5.4 �ҹ��Ъ�����ѹ��㹴�ҹ��èѴ�Ԩ��������� ��������繷�����ѡ�������� �������§�ͧ˹��§ҹ���ؤ�ŷ�������Һ ��èѴ�Ԩ����������Ҩ�繡Ԩ����������������ѧ�����óç�������ͧ��ҧ � ����ʹ���ͧ���ʹѺʹع�Ѻ������ͧ��âͧ�ѧ��
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�·���� �ҹ��ӹѡ�ҹ����ö�Ѵ���� 3 �дѺ ���
1. �дѺ��áԨ (Clerical Work)
2. �дѺ�ԪҪվ (Professional Work)
3. �дѺ�����èѴ��� (Managerial)




1. �ҹ�дѺ��á�� (Clerical Work) �ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ��дѺ��á�����ѡɳ��繧ҹ����Դ�����������Ѻ����繢����Ż�Ш� �� ��������ͺ�Դ��������ͧ��ҧ � ��ѡ�ҹ�дѺ��á�� �����дѺ��ҧ��鹨кѹ�֡�ء��鹵͹ ��������Ѻ���������ºѹ�֡��ѡ�ҹ���Ѻ�͡���ŧ㹷���¹�Ѻ �ҡ��鹨�ṡᨡ��������§ҹ�������Ǣ�ͧ������觡�õ��� �ҹ��дѺ��á�������дѺ��ҧ���
2. �ҹ�дѺ�ԪҪվ (Professicnal Work ) ���¶֧ �ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ��дѺ�ԪҪվ����ͧ��������˹�ҷ����դ������੾�д�ҹ �Ѵ����繽��ª����ӹ�¡�âͧ˹��§ҹ ���� �ҹ�ѭ�� �ҹ��ҹ������ �ҹ��ҹ��õ�Ҵ �ҹ��ҹ�ؤ�ҡ� ���н��¨з�˹�ҷ��ͧ�� �蹽��ºѭ�ըШѴ�ҧ�ٻ�к��ѭ��
3. �ҹ�����èѴ��� (Managerial Work) ���¶֧ �ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ�дѺ�������Ǣ�ͧ�дѺ�٧���е�ͧ��������ҧ��ú���������Ҫ��� �� ����ҧἹ ��èѴ�觡Ԩ���� ��èѴ�Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ����ҷӧҹ �����觡�� ��û���ҹ�ҹ ��äǺ��� �дѺ�������ҧ��ȷҧ��÷ӧҹ �¡���Ѻ�����Ţ�����èҡ�дѺ��ҧ���֡�� �������� ��еѴ�Թ㨵�������������

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2. ����� 2 ��ѡ��ú������ӹѡ�ҹ 
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1. ����ҧἹ (Planning) ��� ��˹�ҷ��˹�觢ͧ��ú����� ��������������ŷ������Ǣ�ͧ�ʹյ �Ѩ�غѹ ��ФҴ����˵ء�ó��͹Ҥ� ����ҧἹ����ǹ�������ͧ���ú���بش�������
2. ����ҧἹ ��˹�ҷ���Ӥѭ㹡�кǹ��âͧ��èѴ��ë������Ǣ�ͧ�Ѻ��õѴ�Թ㨡�˹��ѵ�ػ��ʧ������Ƿҧ㹡�û�Ժѵ���ǧ˹�� �¡����������ҡ������Ǵ�����ͧ�͡����Т�ͨӡѴ��ҧ � ���ͧ���������� �繡��������������ŵ�ҧ � ����ʹյ��лѨ�غѹ �������駻����Թ������Ǵ�����͹Ҥ� ���͡�˹��ǻ�ԺѵԷ��й������������稵���ѵ�ػ��ʧ�����˹����
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1. ˹�ҷ��㹡���ҧἹ ��鹵͹�ͧ����ҧἹ �������ͧἹ�ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ ��͸Ժ�����㹺����
2. ������������к�����Ըջ�Ժѵԧҹ ͸Ժ�����㹺���� 3
3. ����֡�����Ըա�÷ӧҹ�����¢�� ͸Ժ�����㹺���� 3

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9. ���ط�� ��ù����෤������������ ��������÷ӧҹ�����º�����
3. ����� 3 �����������Ѳ����к������к� 
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- �з����� (What) ��õͺ�Ӷ�����з�����Һ��������´�ͧ��觷��ШѴ�к�
- �з������� (When) �ҡ�Ӷ��������ӵͺ����ǡѺ���������ӴѺ��͹��ѧ�ͧ�ҹ���ШѴ�к�
- �зӷ��� (Why) �繡�����˵ؼŶ֧�������繷��е�ͧ�ա�èѴ�к�
- ���繤��� (Who) �Ӷ��������͡�˹�˹�ҷ����Ф����Ѻ�Դ�ͺ �ͧ�ؤ����к����
- �����ҧ�� (How) �ӵͺ�ͧ�Ӷ�����з�����Һ�֧�Ըջ�ԺѵԢ�ǹ��û�Ժѵ�������¤س�Ҿ����ҵðҹ�ͧ�ҹ ��Ф����͡�û�Ժѵԧҹ
- �ӷ���˹ (Where) ��û�Ѻ��ا�ҹ �Ҩ����§�ҹ� �ҹ˹�觫���ջѭ�������Դ������Ҫ�� ���������٧
5. ��ô��Թ����繢�鹡�û�ԺѵԵ���Ƿҧ �������������������� ���ʹټŷ����Դ���
6. ��û����Թ�š�ô��Թ�ҹ �������稵���ѵ�ػ��ʧ��������� ��Ф�ô��Թ��õ������ҧ�� ��ҡ�û�Ժѵ�������

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1. �ѧ����觧ҹ �繼ѧ����ʴ��֧�����˹�ҷ����Чҹ�����Ѻ�Դ�ͺ�ͧ�ҹ��ҧ � �ѧ����觧ҹ�Ъ���㹡���������� ��л�Ѻ��ا���բ�� ��èѴ�Ӽѧ����觧ҹ��Сͺ���� 3 ��鹵͹ ���
1.1 ��èѴ����¡���ʴ��ѡɳЧҹ �繡���ʴ�˹�ҷ���ҧ� ����˹��§ҹ��һ�Сͺ���§ҹ����Ӥѭ���ú�ҧ
1.2 ��èѴ����§ҹ����ʴ�����ҳ�ҹ 㹤����Ѻ�Դ�ͺ�ͧ���˹�ҷ�����Ф� ����÷����� ����ҳ�ҹ����
1.3 ��èѴ�Ӽѧ����觧ҹ �ѧ����觧ҹ�֧�ʴ�����觧ҹ��ҧ� ����˹��§ҹ ˹�ҷ����Ф����Ѻ�Դ�ͺ�ͧ���˹�ҷ�������Ф�����Ѻ�ҹ��ҧ�

2. Ἱ������·ҧ�Թ�ͧ�ҹ ��Ἱ���Է���ʴ���ȷҧ�ͧ��û�Ժѵԧҹ����ӴѺ��鹵͹�ͧ�ҹ㴧ҹ˹�� �������� � �ҹ����ѹ���� Ἱ�����ʴ�੾�кҧ��ǹ�ͧ�ҹ ���͢�ǹҡ÷ء��鹵͹����
2.1 ��û�Ժѵԧҹ �繢�鹡�÷ӧҹ���ҧ����ҧ˹�觢ͧ�� ��������ͧ�ѡ� �� ��úѹ�֡������ ����觢�����
2.2 ��·ҧ�Թ�ͧ�ҹ �繢�鹡���Թ�ҧ�ͧ�ҹ�ҡ����˹����ѧ�ա����˹�� �� ����ʹ͢����Ũҡ�����ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ����ѧ���ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ��
2.3 ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ �繢�鹡�õ�Ǩ�ͺ�֧�������º���¶١��ͧ �������ó�ͧ�ҹ �� ��õ�Ǩ�ҹ������ ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ��úѹ�֡������
2.4 ������������ͤ�� �繢�鹷���ͧ��û�Ժѵԧҹ㹢�鹵��� �� ��������˹�ҷ���������˹�ҧҹ��㴤�˹�觻�Ժѵԧҹ������觡��
2.5 ������ѡ�� �繡���红����ŷ���黯Ժѵ��������º��������

3. Ἱ���ԡ�кǹ��û�Ժѵԧҹ ��Ἱ���Է���ʴ������繶֧�ѡɳ���С�кǹ��âͧ�Ըջ�ԺѵԢͧ�ҹ㴧ҹ˹�� �����������鹨�����кǹ���
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����ʴ������Դ��� �ү�� �ѹ���ͺ 2010-10-11 14:53:55 IP :

�����Դ��繷�� 28 (3220527)

Your Guide For Shopping for GHD Hair Straighteners The trend of curly hair straightening has grown to be incredibly common these days and majority of females really like to straighten their hair follicles Within the past it was prevalent to straighten the hair only on special events but at present women favor to straighten their hair follicles everyday to look elegant and attractive It truly is observed that curly hair are damaged mainly because of exposure towards the heat in the straightener so it truly is needed to go through all safety measures which will decrease the dangerous impacts of hair ghd straighteners You will discover different varieties of curly hair straighteners that have diverse capabilities so the choice from the most ideal locks straightener is essential in accordance for the type of hair follicles to be able to avoid the damaging effects ghd locks straightener may be the very best straightener that delivers quite a few advantageous capabilities You will discover diverse models of GHD hair straighteners that happen to be appropriate for certain sorts of head of hair GHD IV styler would be the most acceptable tool that could be employed for all types of curly hair GHD IV salon styler is helpful for thick curly hair It has wider plates that make it uncomplicated to straighten the curly hair in brief duration of time For those having brief locks GHD IV mini styler would be the ideal choice to purchase and it can create waves or curls too For getting GHD curly hair straightener it really is far better to evaluate the attributes and prices to select 1 that is according to personal demands There are many accessories that purchaser can obtain with the straightener so ahead of getting GHD hair follicles straightener the data about all equipment need to be taken There are lots of GHD locks straighteners that are created in different colors The shade of your straightener has nothing to do with its attributes People can select any color of their choice Just before acquiring GHD curly hair straightener it can be essential to be certain that it offers the warranty of two years There are some pretend GHD locks straighteners readily available inside markets so the buyer should make certain that the product he/she is acquiring is original If the GHD hair follicles straightener is bought from a reputable retailer then it will not be a pretend straightener Cautious inspection just before shopping for the straightener lessens the dangers of shopping for a fake straightener

����ʴ������Դ��� 1 (vinfjk-at-263-dot-com)�ѹ���ͺ 2010-10-30 07:15:15 IP :

�����Դ��繷�� 29 (3221378)

Your Guide For Shopping for GHD Hair Straighteners The trend of curly hair straightening has grown to be incredibly common these days and majority of females really like to straighten their hair follicles Within the past it was prevalent to straighten the hair only on special events but at present women favor to straighten their hair follicles everyday to look elegant and attractive It truly is observed that curly hair are damaged mainly because of exposure towards the heat in the straightener so it truly is needed to go through all safety measures which will decrease the dangerous impacts of hair ghd straighteners You will discover different varieties of curly hair straighteners that have diverse capabilities so the choice from the most ideal locks straightener is essential in accordance for the type of hair follicles to be able to avoid the damaging effects ghd locks straightener may be the very best straightener that delivers quite a few advantageous capabilities You will discover diverse models of GHD hair straighteners that happen to be appropriate for certain sorts of head of hair GHD IV styler would be the most acceptable tool that could be employed for all types of curly hair GHD IV salon styler is helpful for thick curly hair It has wider plates that make it uncomplicated to straighten the curly hair in brief duration of time For those having brief locks GHD IV mini styler would be the ideal choice to purchase and it can create waves or curls too For getting GHD curly hair straightener it really is far better to evaluate the attributes and prices to select 1 that is according to personal demands There are many accessories that purchaser can obtain with the straightener so ahead of getting GHD hair follicles straightener the data about all equipment need to be taken There are lots of GHD locks straighteners that are created in different colors The shade of your straightener has nothing to do with its attributes People can select any color of their choice Just before acquiring GHD curly hair straightener it can be essential to be certain that it offers the warranty of two years There are some pretend GHD locks straighteners readily available inside markets so the buyer should make certain that the product he/she is acquiring is original If the GHD hair follicles straightener is bought from a reputable retailer then it will not be a pretend straightener Cautious inspection just before shopping for the straightener lessens the dangers of shopping for a fake straightener

����ʴ������Դ��� 1 (vdwlvo-at-263-dot-com)�ѹ���ͺ 2010-11-01 18:33:51 IP :

�����Դ��繷�� 30 (3221382)

Your Guide For Shopping for GHD Curly hair ghd straighteners The trend of hair follicles straightening has grow to be very popular nowadays and majority of females love to straighten their locks Inside the past it was frequent to straighten the hair follicles only on special events but currently women prefer to straighten their curly hair each day to look elegant and attractive It can be observed that hair follicles are damaged mainly because of exposure for the heat of your straightener so it can be needed to go by way of all safety measures that will minimize the harmful impacts of curly hair straighteners You will find various sorts of hair straighteners which have diverse features so the selection of your most suitable curly hair straightener is essential in accordance to the type of hair follicles so that you can stay away from the damaging effects ghd curly hair straightener could be the greatest straightener that offers quite a few advantageous capabilities You"ll find distinct models of ghd locks straighteners that happen to be suitable for certain sorts of head of hair GHD IV styler may be the most ideal tool that can be used for all forms of locks GHD IV salon styler is helpful for thick hair It has wider plates that make it effortless to straighten the curly hair in brief duration of time For those having brief hair follicles GHD IV mini styler may be the greatest option to buy and it can create waves or curls too For acquiring GHD hair follicles straightener it"s far better to evaluate the features and prices to select 1 which is in accordance to private demands There are lots of accessories that purchaser can obtain with the straightener so earlier than buying GHD hair follicles straightener the info about all equipment must be taken There are many ghd hair follicles straighteners that happen to be created in unique colors The coloration in the straightener has nothing to do with its features Individuals can choose any color of their choice Earlier than acquiring GHD locks straightener it"s vital to make sure that it provides the warranty of two years You will discover some pretend GHD hair follicles straighteners obtainable inside the markets so the buyer ought to be sure that the item he/she is getting is original If the GHD hair follicles straightener is bought from a reputable retailer then it"s going to not be a pretend straightener Cautious inspection earlier than buying the straightener lessens the dangers of getting a faux straightener

����ʴ������Դ��� 1 (yandam-at-fepg-dot-com)�ѹ���ͺ 2010-11-01 18:36:22 IP :

�����Դ��繷�� 31 (3221416)

Your Guide For Shopping for GHD Curly hair ghd straighteners The trend of hair follicles straightening has grow to be very popular nowadays and majority of females love to straighten their locks Inside the past it was frequent to straighten the hair follicles only on special events but currently women prefer to straighten their curly hair each day to look elegant and attractive It can be observed that hair follicles are damaged mainly because of exposure for the heat of your straightener so it can be needed to go by way of all safety measures that will minimize the harmful impacts of curly hair straighteners You will find various sorts of hair straighteners which have diverse features so the selection of your most suitable curly hair straightener is essential in accordance to the type of hair follicles so that you can stay away from the damaging effects ghd curly hair straightener could be the greatest straightener that offers quite a few advantageous capabilities You"ll find distinct models of ghd locks straighteners that happen to be suitable for certain sorts of head of hair GHD IV styler may be the most ideal tool that can be used for all forms of locks GHD IV salon styler is helpful for thick hair It has wider plates that make it effortless to straighten the curly hair in brief duration of time For those having brief hair follicles GHD IV mini styler may be the greatest option to buy and it can create waves or curls too For acquiring GHD hair follicles straightener it"s far better to evaluate the features and prices to select 1 which is in accordance to private demands There are lots of accessories that purchaser can obtain with the straightener so earlier than buying GHD hair follicles straightener the info about all equipment must be taken There are many ghd hair follicles straighteners that happen to be created in unique colors The coloration in the straightener has nothing to do with its features Individuals can choose any color of their choice Earlier than acquiring GHD locks straightener it"s vital to make sure that it provides the warranty of two years You will discover some pretend GHD hair follicles straighteners obtainable inside the markets so the buyer ought to be sure that the item he/she is getting is original If the GHD hair follicles straightener is bought from a reputable retailer then it"s going to not be a pretend straightener Cautious inspection earlier than buying the straightener lessens the dangers of getting a faux straightener

����ʴ������Դ��� 1 (nthcdg-at-pchome-dot-com)�ѹ���ͺ 2010-11-01 18:57:41 IP :

�����Դ��繷�� 32 (3221567)

Your Guide For Shopping for GHD Hair Straighteners The trend of curly hair straightening has grown to be incredibly common these days and majority of females really like to straighten their hair follicles Within the past it was prevalent to straighten the hair only on special events but at present women favor to straighten their hair follicles everyday to look elegant and attractive It truly is observed that curly hair are damaged mainly because of exposure towards the heat in the straightener so it truly is needed to go through all safety measures which will decrease the dangerous impacts of hair ghd straighteners You will discover different varieties of curly hair straighteners that have diverse capabilities so the choice from the most ideal locks straightener is essential in accordance for the type of hair follicles to be able to avoid the damaging effects ghd locks straightener may be the very best straightener that delivers quite a few advantageous capabilities You will discover diverse models of GHD hair straighteners that happen to be appropriate for certain sorts of head of hair GHD IV styler would be the most acceptable tool that could be employed for all types of curly hair GHD IV salon styler is helpful for thick curly hair It has wider plates that make it uncomplicated to straighten the curly hair in brief duration of time For those having brief locks GHD IV mini styler would be the ideal choice to purchase and it can create waves or curls too For getting GHD curly hair straightener it really is far better to evaluate the attributes and prices to select 1 that is according to personal demands There are many accessories that purchaser can obtain with the straightener so ahead of getting GHD hair follicles straightener the data about all equipment need to be taken There are lots of GHD locks straighteners that are created in different colors The shade of your straightener has nothing to do with its attributes People can select any color of their choice Just before acquiring GHD curly hair straightener it can be essential to be certain that it offers the warranty of two years There are some pretend GHD locks straighteners readily available inside markets so the buyer should make certain that the product he/she is acquiring is original If the GHD hair follicles straightener is bought from a reputable retailer then it will not be a pretend straightener Cautious inspection just before shopping for the straightener lessens the dangers of shopping for a fake straightener

����ʴ������Դ��� 1 (xpvzbx-at-aol-dot-com)�ѹ���ͺ 2010-11-01 20:58:26 IP :

�����Դ��繷�� 33 (3228105)


����ʴ������Դ��� �ѹ���ѹ �ѹ���ͺ 2010-12-09 09:29:58 IP :, 61.

�����Դ��繷�� 34 (3234341)


����ʴ������Դ��� �ҡ����ѧ�� �ѹ���ͺ 2011-01-20 16:15:03 IP :

�����Դ��繷�� 35 (3235741)



����ʴ������Դ��� melody_nawan (melody_nawan-at-hotamil-dot-com)�ѹ���ͺ 2011-02-02 13:14:35 IP :

�����Դ��繷�� 36 (3237471)

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����ʴ������Դ��� �����ó� �ѹ���ͺ 2011-02-17 05:10:19 IP :

�����Դ��繷�� 37 (3251925)

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����ʴ������Դ��� ��ͧ��� (supaporn988-at-gmail-dot-com)�ѹ���ͺ 2011-07-30 15:32:10 IP :

�����Դ��繷�� 38 (3303069)

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����ʴ������Դ��� praw �ѹ���ͺ 2012-11-14 19:47:59 IP :

�����Դ��繷�� 39 (4018812)

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