นักวิชาการเกษตรชำนาญการ ภาษาอังกฤษ

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�����͹���ѭ�� 4 ������ ���� ����˹觻����������� ����˹觻�������ҹ�¡�� ����˹觻������Ԫҡ�� ��е���˹觻���������� ����ҵ�� 48

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245 ��§ҹ � 8 ������Ҫվ ��Сͺ����                                                
������Ҫվ 1  ���¶֧ ������Ҫվ������ ��ҹ�¡�� ��á�� �ҹʶԵ� �ҹ�Եԡ�� �ҹ��÷ٵ��� ��ҧ�����                                        
������Ҫվ 2  ���¶֧ ������Ҫվ��ä�ѧ ������ɰ�Ԩ ��þҳԪ������ص��ˡ���                                         
������Ҫվ 3   ���¶֧ ������Ҫվ���Ҥ� ���� ��еԴ����������                                              
������Ҫվ 4  ���¶֧ ������Ҫվ�ɵá���                                                
������Ҫվ 5  ���¶֧ ������Ҫվ�Է����ʵ��                                                
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������Ҫվ 7  ���¶֧ ������Ҫվ���ǡ��� ʶһѵ¡��� ��Ъ�ҧ෤�Ԥ��ҧ�                                              
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2551 (��-�ѧ���) �����§ҹ ������ ����дѺ����˹�”�ѧ�͡��÷��Ṻ�ҹ��                                          
��ª��͵���˹觵������Ҫ�ѭ�ѵ�����º����Ҫ��þ����͹ �.�.2551  (��-�ѧ���)                                        
�����§ҹ ������ ����дѺ����˹�                                                
(��Ѻ��ا������ � �ѹ��� 22 ��.�.2552)                                                
��ҴѺ ������§ҹ Classification Name ���͵���˹����§ҹ Classification Title ������ Category & Level  
����˹觻����������� : ������Ҫվ 1  ������Ҫվ������ ��ҹ�¡�� ��á�� �ҹʶԵ� �ҹ�Եԡ�� �ҹ��÷ٵ ��е�ҧ�����  
1 ������ Executive �ѡ������ Executive ������ S1-S2  
2 �����çҹ����ͧ Governing Administration �ѡ����ͧ Governing Executive ������ S1-S2  
3 �����á�÷ٵ** Executive Diplomatic Service �ѡ�����á�÷ٵ Diplomatic Service Executive ������ S1-S2  
4 ��Ǩ�Ҫ��á�з�ǧ Ministry Inspection ����Ǩ�Ҫ��á�з�ǧ Inspector - General ������ S2  
����˹觻�������ҹ�¡�� : ������Ҫվ 1 ������Ҫվ������ ��ҹ�¡�� ��á�� �ҹʶԵ� �ҹ�Եԡ�� �ҹ��÷ٵ ��е�ҧ�����  
5 ��ҹ�¡��** Management �����ҹ�¡�� Director ��ҹ�¡�� M1-M2  
6 ��ҹ�¡��੾�д�ҹ** Management in Specific Field �����ҹ�¡��੾�д�ҹ (�кت�����§ҹ) �� ����ӹ�¡��੾�д�ҹ (ᾷ��)
�� ����ҹ�¡��੾�дҹ (ᾷ�)
Director (Classification Name) e.g.Director (Physician)
e.g. Director (Physician)
��ҹ�¡�� M1-M2  
7 ��Ǩ�Ҫ��á��** Department Inspection ����Ǩ�Ҫ��á�� Inspector ��ҹ�¡�� M2  
������Ҫվ 1 ������Ҫվ������ ��ҹ�¡�� ��á�� �ҹʶԵ� �ҹ�Եԡ�� �ҹ��÷ٵ ��е�ҧ�����  
8 �����¡�ɮա� Krisdika Legal Affairs �ѡ�����¡�ɮա� Krisdika Counsel �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5  
9 ��÷ٵ Diplomatic Service �ѡ��÷ٵ Diplomatic Service Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3  
10 �����оĵ� Probation ��ѡ�ҹ�����оĵ� Probation Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4  
11 �Ѵ��çҹ�����** General Administration �ѡ�Ѵ��çҹ����� General Administration Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3  
12 ���˹�ҷ�褴վ���� Special Case Officer ���˹�ҷ�褴վ���� Special Case Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3  
13 ��Ѿ�ҡúؤ�� Human Resource �ѡ��Ѿ�ҡúؤ�� Human Resource Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5  
14 ����¹�ԪҪվ Professional Licensure �ѡ����¹�ԪҪվ Licensing Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3  
15 �Եԡ�� Legal Affairs �Եԡ� Legal Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5  
16 ��Ժѵԡ�û���ͧ Governing ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ����ͧ Governing Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3  
** ���¶֧ �ѭ����§ҹ��������������Ҫ�ѭ�ѵ�����º����Ҫ��þ����͹ �.�.2551 (14 ��§ҹ)                                        
��ҴѺ ������§ҹ Classification Name ���͵���˹����§ҹ Classification Title ������ Category &
17 ��ѡ�ҹ�ͺ�ǹ��վ���� Special Case Inquiry Official ��ѡ�ҹ�ͺ�ǹ��վ���� Special Case Inquiry Official �Ԫҡ�� K2-K4
18 �Ѳ���к��Ҫ��� Public Sector Development �ѡ�Ѳ���к��Ҫ��� Public Sector Development Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
19 ���������º�����Ἱ Plan and Policy Analysis �ѡ���������º�����Ἱ Plan and Policy Analyst �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
20 �Ԫҡ�ä��������� Computer Science �ѡ�Ԫҡ�ä��������� Computer Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
21 �Ԫҡ�÷ѳ��Է�� Penology �ѡ�ѳ��Է�� Penologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
22 �Ԫҡ��෤��������ʹ��** Information Technology �ѡ෤��������ʹ�� Information Technology Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
23 �Ԫҡ�þ�ʴ� Supply �ѡ�Ԫҡ�þ�ʴ� Supply Analyst �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
24 �Ԫҡ���صԸ��� Justice �ѡ�Ԫҡ���صԸ��� Justice Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
25 �Ԫҡ�����������û���ͧ
Local Government Study and
�ѡ���������û���ͧ��ͧ��� Local Government Study and Research
�Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
26 �Ԫҡ��ʶԵ� Statistics �ѡ�Ԫҡ��ʶԵ� Statistician �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
27 �����ˡ�� Development Cooperation �ѡ�����ˡ�� Development Cooperation Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
28 ��������ѹ�� International Cooperation �ѡ��������ѹ�� Foreign Relations Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
29 �׺�ǹ�ͺ�ǹ Investigation �ѡ�׺�ǹ�ͺ�ǹ Investigator �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
30 ���ѡɳ� Scribe ���ѡɳ� Scribe �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
������Ҫվ 2 ������Ҫվ��ä�ѧ ������ɰ�Ԩ ��þҳԪ�� ����ص��ˡ���
31 ���˹�ҷ��Ѵ�Ż���ª�� Real Property Procurement
���˹�ҷ��Ѵ�Ż���ª�� Real Property Procurement Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
32 ��Ǩ�ͺ���� Tax Audit �ѡ��Ǩ�ͺ���� Tax Audit Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
33 �������ק�����ҳ Budget Analysis �ѡ�������짺����ҳ Budget Analyst �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
34 ���������Ѱ����ˡԨ** State Enterprise Analysis �ѡ���������Ѱ����ˡԨ State Enterprise Analyst �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
35 �Ԫҡ�ä�ѧ Fiscal Analysis �ѡ�Ԫҡ�ä�ѧ Fiscal Analyst �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
��ҴѺ ������§ҹ Classification Name ���͵���˹����§ҹ Classification Title ������ Category &
36 �Ԫҡ���Թ��кѭ�� Finance and Accounting �ѡ�Ԫҡ���Թ��кѭ�� Finance and Accounting Analyst �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
37 �Ԫҡ�ê�觵ǧ�Ѵ Weights and Measures �ѡ�Ԫҡ�ê�觵ǧ�Ѵ Weights and Measures Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
38 �Ԫҡ�õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� Audit �ѡ�Ԫҡ�õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� Auditor ���� Auditing Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
39 �Ԫҡ�õ�Ǩ�ͺ���� Internal Audit �ѡ�Ԫҡ�õ�Ǩ�ͺ���� Internal Auditor �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
40 �Ԫҡ�õ�Ǩ�ͺ�Է�Ժѵ� Patent Examination �ѡ�Ԫҡ�õ�Ǩ�ͺ�Է�Ժѵ� Patent Examiner �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
41 �Ԫҡ�÷�Ѿ�ҡøó� Mineral Resources �ѡ�Ԫҡ�÷�Ѿ�ҡøó� Mineral Resources Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
42 �Ԫҡ�úѭ�� Accounting �ѡ�ѭ�� Accountant �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
43 �Ԫҡ�ü�Ե�ѳ������� Food Product �ѡ�Ԫҡ�ü�Ե�ѳ������� Food Technologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
44 �Ԫҡ�þҳԪ�� Trade �ѡ�Ԫҡ�þҳԪ�� Trade Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
45 �Ԫҡ������ Tax �ѡ�Ԫҡ������ Tax Economist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
46 �Ԫҡ���ҵðҹ Standardization �ѡ�Ԫҡ���ҵðҹ Standards Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
47 �Ԫҡ����šҡ� Customs �ѡ�Ԫҡ����šҡ� Customs Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
48 �Ԫҡ�����ɰ�Ԩ Economics ���ɰ�� Economist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
49 �Ԫҡ������������ŧ�ع Investment Promotion �ѡ�Ԫҡ������������ŧ�ع Investment Promotion Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
50 �Ԫҡ����þ���Ե Excise �ѡ�Ԫҡ����þ���Ե Excise Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
51 �Ԫҡ����þҡ� Revenue �ѡ�Ԫҡ����þҡ� Revenue Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
52 �Ԫҡ���ˡó� Cooperative �ѡ�Ԫҡ���ˡó� Cooperative Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
53 �Ԫҡ���ص��ˡ��� Industrial Analysis �ѡ�Ԫҡ���ص��ˡ��� Industrial Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
������Ҫվ 3  ������Ҫվ���Ҥ� ���� ��еԴ����������
54 ��â��� Intelligence �ѡ��â��� Intelligence Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
55 �Թ���� Navigation �ѡ�Թ���� Navigator �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
56 ��Ǩ��� Harbour Inspection ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��Ǩ��� Harbour Master �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
��ҴѺ ������§ҹ Classification Name ���͵���˹����§ҹ Classification Title ������ Category &
57 �����ͧ Sea Pilot ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�����ͧ Ship Pilot Officer �Ԫҡ�� K2-K3
58 ��Ъ�����ѹ�� Public Relations �ѡ��Ъ�����ѹ�� Public Relations Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
59 �Ԫҡ�â��� Transportation �ѡ�Ԫҡ�â��� Transport Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
60 �Ԫҡ������� Dissemination �ѡ�Ԫҡ������� Dissemination Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
61 �Ԫҡ���ʵ��ȹ�֡�� Audio-Visual Technic �ѡ�Ԫҡ���ʵ��ȹ�֡�� Audio-Visual Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
62 ���������Ū� Mass Communications �ѡ���������Ū� Mass Communications Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
������Ҫվ 4  ������Ҫվ�ɵá���
63 �Ԫҡ���ɵ� Agriculture �ѡ�Ԫҡ���ɵ� Agricultural Research Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
64 �Ԫҡ�û���ٻ���Թ Land Reform �ѡ�Ԫҡ�û���ٻ���Թ Land Reform Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
65 �Ԫҡ�û���� Fishery Science �ѡ�Ԫҡ�û���� Fishery Biologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
66 �Ԫҡ�û����� Forestry �ѡ�Ԫҡ�û����� Forestry Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
67 �Ԫҡ�������������ɵ� Agricultural Extension �ѡ�Ԫҡ�������������ɵ� Agricultural Extensionist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
68 �Ԫҡ���ѵǺ�� Animal Husbandry �ѡ�Ԫҡ���ѵǺ�� Animal Husbandry Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
69 ���ǡ����Ż�зҹ Irrigation Engineering ���ǡêŻ�зҹ Irrigation Engineer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
70 ����Ǩ�Թ Soil Survey �ѡ����Ǩ�Թ Soil Surveyor �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
������Ҫվ 5  ������Ҫվ�Է����ʵ��
71 �կ�Է�� Entomology �ѡ�կ�Է�� Entomologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
72 ����Է���ѧ�� Radiation Biology �ѡ����Է���ѧ�� Radiation Biologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
73 �ó��Է�� Geology �ѡ�ó��Է�� Geologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
74 �Ե��Է����ʵ�� Forensic Science �ѡ�Ե��Է����ʵ�� Forensic Scientist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
75 ������������ Nuclear Chemistry �ѡ������������ Nuclear Chemist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
76 �����������ԡ�� Nuclear Physics �ѡ�����������ԡ�� Nuclear Physicist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
77 ���ԡ���ѧ�� Radiation Physics �ѡ���ԡ���ѧ�� Radiation Physicist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
��ҴѺ ������§ҹ Classification Name ���͵���˹����§ҹ Classification Title ������ Category &
78 �Ԫҡ���ä�ת Plant Pathology �ѡ�Ԫҡ���ä�ת Plant Pathologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
79 �Ԫҡ���ط��Է�� Hydrology �ѡ�ط��Է�� Hydrologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
80 �Է����ʵ�� Science �ѡ�Է����ʵ�� Scientist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
81 �Է����ʵ���������� Nuclear Science �ѡ�Է����ʵ���������� Nuclear Scientist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
82 �ѵ��Է�� Zoology �ѡ�ѵ��Է�� Zoologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
83 �صع����Է�� Meteorology �ѡ�صع����Է�� Meteorologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
������Ҫվ 6 ������Ҫվᾷ�� ��Һ�� ����Ҹ�ó�آ
84 ����Ҿ��ҺѴ Physiotherapy �ѡ����Ҿ��ҺѴ Physiotherapist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
85 �Ԩ������ҺѴ** Occupational Therapy �ѡ�Ԩ������ҺѴ Occupational Therapist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
86 �Ե�Է�� Psychology �ѡ�Ե�Է�� Psychologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
87 �Ե�Է�Ҥ�ԹԤ** Clinical Psychology �ѡ�Ե�Է�Ҥ�ԹԤ Clinical Psychologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
88 �ѹ�ᾷ�� Dentist �ѹ�ᾷ�� Dentist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
89 ෤�Ԥ���ᾷ�� Medical Technology �ѡ෤�Ԥ���ᾷ�� Medical Technologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
90 ����ѵ�ᾷ�� Veterinarian ����ѵ�ᾷ�� Veterinarian �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
91 ��Һ���ԪҪվ Registered Nursing ��Һ���ԪҪվ Registered Nurse �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
92 ᾷ�� Physician ���ᾷ�� Medical Physician �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
93 ᾷ��Ἱ��** Thai Traditional Medicine �ѡ���ᾷ��Ἱ�� Thai Traditional Medical Doctor �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
94 ���Ѫ���� Pharmacy ���Ѫ�� Pharmacist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
95 ����ҡ�� Nutrition �ѡ����ҡ�� Nutritionist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
96 �ѧ�ա��ᾷ�� Medical Radiology �ѡ�ѧ�ա��ᾷ�� Radiological Technologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
97 �Ԫҡ�þ�Һ�� Nursing �ѡ�Ԫҡ�þ�Һ�� Nursing Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
98 �Ԫҡ���Ҹ�ó�آ Public Health �ѡ�Ԫҡ���Ҹ�ó�آ Public Health Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
��Ҵ� � ������§ҹ Classification Name ���͵���˹����§ҹ Classification Title ������ Category &
99 �Ԫҡ���Ҫ�Ǻ�ҺѴ Vocational Therapy �ѡ�Ҫ�Ǻ�ҺѴ Vocational Therapist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
100 �Ԫҡ������������ Food and Drug Science �ѡ�Ԫҡ������������ Food and Drug Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
101 �Է����ʵ����ᾷ�� Medical Science �ѡ�Է����ʵ����ᾷ�� Medical Scientist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
102 �Ǫ��ʵ�������� ��������** Communication Disorder, Audiology ���� Speech Language Pathology �ѡ�Ǫ��ʵ�������ͤ������� Speech Pathologist, Audiologist ���� Speech- Language Pathologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
������Ҫվ 7  ������Ҫվ���ǡ��� ʶһѵ¡��� ��Ъ�ҧ෤�Ԥ��ҧ �
103 ����ػ�ó� Prosthetics and Orthotics �ѡ����ػ�ó� Prosthetist and Orthotist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
104 �Եá��� Painting �Եá� Painter �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
105 ��ҧ������ Marine Engineering ��ª�ҧ������ Marine Engineer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
106 ��ҧ�Ҿ���ᾷ�� Medical Photographer ��ҧ�Ҿ���ᾷ�� Medical Photographer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
107 ��Ǩ���� Ship Survey ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��Ǩ���� Ship Surveyor �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
108 ��Ǩ�ͺ������ʹ��´�ҹ��úԹ Aviation Safety Inspection �ѡ��Ǩ�ͺ������ʹ��´�ҹ��úԹ Aviation Safety Inspector �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
109 ��е��ҡ��� Sculpture ��е��ҡ� Sculptor �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
110 ����ʶһѵ¡��� Landscape Architecture ����ʶһ�ԡ Landscape Architect �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
111 �ѳ����Ż� Interior Design �ѳ��ҡ� Interior Designer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
112 �Ԫҡ�á�һ�� Mint �ѡ�Ԫҡ�á�һ�� Mint Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
113 �Ԫҡ�ê�ҧ��Ż� Academic Art �ѡ�Ԫҡ�ê�ҧ��Ż� Academic Artist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
114 �Ԫҡ��Ἱ����Ҿ���� Photogrammetry Technical �ѡ�Ԫҡ��Ἱ����Ҿ���� Photogrammetrist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
115 �Ԫҡ�þ�ѧ�ҹ** Energy �ѡ�Ԫҡ�þ�ѧ�ҹ Energy Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
116 �Ԫҡ���͡Ẻ��Ե�ѳ�� Industrial Products Design �ѡ�Ԫҡ���͡Ẻ��Ե�ѳ�� Industrial Products Designer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
117 ���ǡ��� Engineering ���ǡ� Engineer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
118 ���ǡ�������ɵ� Agricultural Engineering ���ǡá���ɵ� Agricultural Engineer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
119 ���ǡ�������ͧ�� Mechanical Engineering ���ǡ�����ͧ�� Mechanical Engineer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
��Ҵ� � ������§ҹ Classification Name ���͵���˹����§ҹ Classification Title ������ Category &
120 ���ǡ������������ Nuclear Engineering ���ǡù�������� Nuclear Engineer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
121 ���ǡ������������ Petroleum Engineering ���ǡû�������� Petroleum Engineer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
122 ���ǡ���俿�� Electrical Engineering ���ǡ�俿�� Electrical Engineer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
123 ���ǡ���俿��������� Communicative Electrical
���ǡ�俿��������� Communicative Electrical Engineer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
124 ���ǡ����¸� Civil Engineering ���ǡ��¸� Civil Engineer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
125 ���ǡ����ѧ�Ѵ Survey Engineering ���ǡ��ѧ�Ѵ Survey Engineer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
126 ���ǡ�����ˡ�� Metallurgical Engineering ���ǡ���ˡ�� Metallurgical Engineer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
127 ���ǡ�������Ǩ Survey Engineering ���ǡ�����Ǩ Survey Engineer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
128 ���ǡ�������ͧ��� Mining Engineering ���ǡ�����ͧ��� Mining Engineer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
129 ʶһѵ¡��� Architecture ʶһ�ԡ Architect �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
������Ҫվ 8  ������Ҫվ����֡�� ��Ż� �ѧ�� ��С�þѲ�Ҫ����
130 ��üѧ���ͧ Town Planning �ѡ�ѧ���ͧ Town Planner �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
131 �������˵� Archives �ѡ�������˵� Archivist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
132 ��ó��ѡ�� Librarian ��ó��ѡ�� Librarian �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
133 ��ҳ��� Archaeology �ѡ��ҳ��� Archaeologist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
134 �����Թ�Ҥҷ�Ѿ���Թ Property Valuation �ѡ�����Թ�Ҥҷ�Ѿ���Թ Property Valuer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
135 �Ѳ�ҡ�á��� Sports Development �ѡ�Ѳ�ҡ�á��� Sports Development Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
136 �Ѳ�ҡ�÷�ͧ����� Tourism Development �ѡ�Ѳ�ҡ�÷�ͧ����� Tourism Development Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
137 �Ѳ���ѧ�� Social Development �ѡ�Ѳ���ѧ�� Social Development Worker �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
138 �ѳ���ѡ�� Curator �ѳ���ѡ�� Curator �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
139 ������ҳ Ancient Language �ѡ������ҳ Ancient Language Official �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
140 ��ó��Ż� Literature �ѡ��ó��Ż� Literateur �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
��ҴѺ ������§ҹ Classification Name ���͵���˹����§ҹ Classification Title ������ Category &
141 ��������ѧ���ͧ Town Planning Analysis �ѡ��������ѧ���ͧ Town Planning Analyst �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
142 �Ԫҡ�èѴ�ҷ��Թ Land Expropriation �ѡ�Ԫҡ�èѴ�ҷ��Թ Land Expropriation Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
143 �Ԫҡ�÷��Թ Land Technical �ѡ�Ԫҡ�÷��Թ Land Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
144 �Ԫҡ�þѲ�Ҫ���� Community Development
�ѡ�Ԫҡ�þѲ�Ҫ���� Community Development Specialist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
145 �Ԫҡ�þѲ�ҽ�����ç�ҹ Skill Development �ѡ�Ԫҡ�þѲ�ҽ�����ç�ҹ Skill Development Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
146 �Ԫҡ���ç�ҹ Labour Affairs �ѡ�Ԫҡ���ç�ҹ Labour Specialist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
147 �Ԫҡ���Ф���д���� Music and Drama Academia �ѡ�Ԫҡ���Ф���д���� Music and Drama Academician �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
148 �Ԫҡ���Ѳ����� Cultural Affairs �ѡ�Ԫҡ���Ѳ����� Cultural Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
149 �Ԫҡ����ʹ� Religion Affairs �ѡ�Ԫҡ����ʹ� Religions Affairs Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
150 �Ԫҡ���֡�� Education �ѡ�Ԫҡ���֡�� Educator �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
151 �Ԫҡ���֡�Ҿ���� Special Education �ѡ�Ԫҡ���֡�Ҿ���� Special Educator �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
152 �Ԫҡ������Ǵ���� Environment �ѡ�Ԫҡ������Ǵ���� Environmentalist �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
153 �Ԫҡ��ͺ����н֡�ԪҪվ Vocational Training �ѡ�Ԫҡ��ͺ����н֡�ԪҪվ Vocational Training Technical Officer �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
154 �Է�Ҩ���� Instructor �Է�Ҩ���� Instructor �Ԫҡ�� K1-K3
155 �ѧ��ʧ������ Social Work �ѡ�ѧ��ʧ������ Social Worker �Ԫҡ�� K1-K4
156 �ѡ����ʵ�� Literature Arts �ѡ�ѡ����ʵ�� Literature Arts Official �Ԫҡ�� K1-K5
��ҴѺ ������§ҹ Classification Name ���͵���˹����§ҹ Classification Title ������ Category &
������Ҫվ 1 ������Ҫվ������ ��ҹ�¡�� ��á�� �ҹʶԵ� �ҹ�Եԡ�� �ҹ��÷ٵ ��е�ҧ�����
157 ��Ժѵԧҹ��á�� General Service Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��á�� General Service Officer ���� Office Clerk ����� O1-O3
158 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ʴ� Supply Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��ʴ� Supply Officer ����� O1-O3
159 ��Ժѵԧҹ�Ҫ�ѳ�� Correctional Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�Ҫ�ѳ�� Correctional Officer ����� O1-O3
160 ��Ժѵԧҹ�ǪʶԵ� Medical Statistics Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�ǪʶԵ� Medical Statistics Technician ����� O1-O3
161 ��ԺѵԧҹʶԵ� Statistical Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹʶԵ� Statistical Officer ����� O1-O3
162 ��Ժѵԧҹ���ѡɳ� Scribe Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ���ѡɳ� Assistant Scribe Officer ����� O1-O2
163 ����ҹ�ҹ����ͧ Governing Operation ���˹�ҷ�軡��ͧ Assistant Governing Officer ����� O1-O2
164 ��Ժѵԧҹ����������
Local Government Contribution ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ���������û���ͧ��ͧ��� Local Government Contribution Officer ����� O1-O2
������Ҫվ 2 ������Ҫվ��ä�ѧ ������ɰ�Ԩ ��þҳԪ�� ����ص��ˡ���
165 ��Ժѵԧҹ��þҳԪ�� Trade Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��þҳԪ�� Trade Personnel ����� O1-O3
166 ��Ժѵԧҹ����Թ��кѭ�� Finance and Accounting
��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ����Թ��кѭ�� Finance and Accounting Officer ����� O1-O3
167 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ѧ Fiscal Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��ä�ѧ Fiscal Officer ����� O1-O3
168 ��Ժѵԧҹ��觵ǧ�Ѵ Weights and Measures
��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��觵ǧ�Ѵ Weights and Measures Officer ����� O1-O3
169 ��Ժѵԧҹ���Թ Money Check Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ���Թ Money Checker ����� O1-O3
170 ��Ժѵԧҹ��Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� Auditing Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� Auditing Officer ����� O1-O3
171 ��Ժѵԧҹ��Ѿ�ҡøó� Mineral Resources Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��Ѿ�ҡøó� Mineral Resources Officer ����� O1-O3
172 ��Ժѵԧҹ��šҡ� Customs Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��šҡ� Customs Officer ����� O1-O3
��ҴѺ ������§ҹ Classification Name ���͵���˹����§ҹ Classification Title ������ Category &
173 ��Ժѵԧҹ��������ˡó� Cooperative Promotion
��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��������ˡó� Cooperative Promotion Officer ����� O1-O3
174 ��Ժѵԧҹ������� �ص��ˡ��� Industrial Promotion Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��������ص��ˡ��� Industrial Promotion Officer ����� O1-O3
175 ��Ժѵԧҹ��þ���Ե Excise Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��þ���Ե Excise Officer ����� O1-O3
176 ��Ժѵԧҹ��þҡ� Revenue Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��þҡ� Revenue Officer ����� O1-O3
������Ҫվ 3  ������Ҫվ���Ҥ� ���� ��еԴ����������
177 ��Ժѵԧҹ��â��� Intelligence Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��â��� Assistant Intelligence Officer ����� O1-O2
178 ��Ժѵԧҹ���� Transportation Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ���� Transport Officer ����� O1-O3
179 ��Ժѵԧҹ�Թ���� Navigation Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�Թ���� Navigation Officer ����� O1-O2
180 ��Ժѵԧҹ����� ��Ъ�����ѹ�� Public Relations and
Dissemination Operation
��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ������Ъ�����ѹ�� Assistant Public Relations Officer ����� O1-O3
181 ��Ժѵԧҹ������� Telecommunications Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ������� Telecommunications Officer ����� O1-O3
182 ��Ժѵԧҹ������á�úԹ Aviation Communication
��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ������á�úԹ Aviation Communication Officer ����� O1-O2
183 ��Ժѵԧҹ�ʵ��ȹ�֡�� Audio-Visual Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�ʵ��ȹ�֡�� Audio-Visual Officer ����� O1-O3
184 ��С�������§ҹ���� Announcing and Reporting ����С�������§ҹ���� Announcer and Reporter ����� O1-O2
������Ҫվ 4  ������Ҫվ�ɵá���
185 ��Ժѵԧҹ����ɵ� Agricultural Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ����ɵ� Agricultural Officer ����� O1-O3
186 ��Ժѵԧҹ�ˡԨ����ɵ� Home Economics Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�ˡԨ����ɵ� Home Economics Officer ����� O1-O3
187 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ�Ż�зҹ Irrigation Operation ��ª�ҧ�Ż�зҹ Irrigation Technician ����� O1-O3
188 ��Ժѵԧҹ����� Fishery Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ����� Fishery Officer ����� O1-O3
189 ��Ժѵԧҹ������ Forestry Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ������ Forestry Officer ����� O1-O3
190 ��Ժѵԧҹ�ѵǺ�� Animal Husbandry Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�ѵǺ�� Animal Husbandry Officer ����� O1-O3
��Ҵ� � ������§ҹ Classification Name ���͵���˹����§ҹ Classification Title ������ Category &
������Ҫվ 5  ������Ҫվ�Է����ʵ��
191 ��Ժѵԧҹ�Է����ʵ�� Scientific Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�Է����ʵ�� Scientific Officer ����� O1-O3
192 ��Ժѵԧҹ�صع����Է�� Meteorological Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�صع����Է�� Meteorological Officer ����� O1-O3
193 ��Ժѵԧҹ�ط��Է�� Hydrological Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�ط��Է�� Hydrological Officer ����� O1-O3
������Ҫվ 6 ������Ҫվᾷ�� ��Һ�� ����Ҹ�ó�آ
194 ��Ժѵԧҹ�ѹ��Ҹ�ó�آ Dental Health Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�ѹ��Ҹ�ó�آ Dental Assistant ����� O1-O2
195 ��Ժѵԧҹ���Ѫ���� Pharmaceutical Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ���Ѫ���� Pharmaceutical Assistant ���� Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy Technician
����� O1-O2
196 ��Ժѵԧҹ����ҡ�� Nutrition Operation ����ҡ� Nutrition Officer ����� O1-O3
197 ��Ժѵԧҹ�ѧ�ա��ᾷ� Medical Radiology Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�ѧ�ա��ᾷ�� Radiographer Technician ����� O1-O2
198 ��Ժѵԧҹ�Է����ʵ�� ���ᾷ�� Medical Technology Assistant ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�Է����ʵ����ᾷ�� Medical Technician Assistant ���� Medical Science Technician ����� O1-O2
199 ��Ժѵԧҹ�Ǫ������鹿� Rehabilitation Medical Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�Ǫ������鹿� Rehabilitation Medical Technician ����� O1-O2
200 ��Ժѵԧҹ�Ҹ�ó�آ Public Health Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�Ҹ�ó�آ Public Health Officer ����� O1-O3
201 ��Ժѵԧҹ�Ҫ�Ǻ�ҺѴ Vocational Therapy Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�Ҫ�Ǻ�ҺѴ Vocational Therapy Technician ����� O1-O2
202 ��Һ��෤�Ԥ Technical Nursing ��Һ��෤�Ԥ Technical Nurse ����� O1-O2
203 �ѵ�ᾷ�� Veterinary Officer �ѵ�ᾷ�� Veterinary Officer ����� O1-O3
������Ҫվ 7  �������Ҫվ���ǡ��� ʶһѵ¡��� ��Ъ�ҧ෤�Ԥ��ҧ �
204 ��ҧ���ó� Costumer ��ҧ���ó� Costumer ����� O1-O2
205 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ����� Printing Operation ��ª�ҧ����� Printer ����� O1-O3
206 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ��Ż� Graphic Design Operation ��ª�ҧ��Ż� Graphic Designer ����� O1-O2
207 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ��Ż���� Art Design ��ª�ҧ��Ż���� Art Technician ����� O1-O4
208 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ���� Foundry ��ª�ҧ���� Founder ����� O1-O2
209 ��Ժѵԧҹ����ػ�ó� Prosthetic and Orthotic Operation ��ҧ����ػ�ó� Prosthetic and Orthotic Technician ����� O1-O2
��ҴѺ ������§ҹ Classification Name ���͵���˹����§ҹ Classification Title ������ Category &
210 ��Ժѵԧҹ����ͧ���������� Computer Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ����ͧ���������� Computer Operator ����� O1-O3
211 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ�ش�͡ Dredging Operation ��ª�ҧ�ش�͡ Dredging Technician ����� O1-O3
212 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ��¹Ẻ Draftsman Operation ��ª�ҧ��¹Ẻ Draftsman ����� O1-O3
213 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ����ͧ�� Mechanical Operation ��ª�ҧ����ͧ�� Mechanic ����� O1-O3
214 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ��Ǩ��Ҿö Vehicle Inspection Operation ��ª�ҧ��Ǩ��Ҿö Vehicle Inspector ����� O1-O3
215 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ�ѹ����� Dental Operation ��ҧ�ѹ����� Dental Technician ����� O1-O2
216 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ෤�Ԥ Technician Operation ��ª�ҧ෤�Ԥ Technician ����� O1-O3
217 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ俿�� Electrical Operation ��ª�ҧ俿�� Electrician ����� O1-O3
218 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ�Ҿ Photography Operation ��ª�ҧ�Ҿ Photographer ����� O1-O2
219 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ�¸� Civil Works Operation ��ª�ҧ�¸� Civil Works Technician ����� O1-O3
220 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ�ѧ�Ѵ Surveyor Operation ��ª�ҧ�ѧ�Ѵ Surveyor ����� O1-O3
221 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ���� Metal Work Operation ��ª�ҧ���� Metal Work Technician ����� O1-O3
222 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ����Ǩ Survey Operation ��ª�ҧ����Ǩ Surveyor ����� O1-O3
223 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ����ͧ��� Mining Operation ��ª�ҧ����ͧ��� Mining Technician ����� O1-O2
224 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ�͡Ẻ���� Ship Design Operation ��ª�ҧ�͡Ẻ���� Ship Design Technician ����� O1-O3
225 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҧ�ҡ���ҹ Aeronautical Mechanical
��ª�ҧ�ҡ���ҹ Aeronautical Mechanic ����� O1-O2
226 ��Ժѵԧҹ��Ǩ�ç�ҹ Factory Inspection Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��Ǩ�ç�ҹ Factory Inspection Officer ����� O1-O2
227 ��Ժѵԧҹ�ԢԵ Calligraphy Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�ԢԵ Calligrapher ����� O1-O2
228 ��Ժѵԧҹ�͡Ẻ��Ե�ѳ�� Industrial Products Design
��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�͡Ẻ��Ե�ѳ�� Industrial Products Designing Officer ����� O1-O3
��ҴѺ ������§ҹ Classification Name ���͵���˹����§ҹ Classification Title ������ Category &
������Ҫվ 8  ������Ҫվ����֡�� ��Ż� �ѧ�� ��С�þѲ�Ҫ����
229 ��١���֡�Ҿ���� Special Education Teacher ��١���֡�Ҿ���� Special Education Teacher ����� O1-O2
230 �յ��Ż� Singing �յ��ŻԹ Singer ����� O1-O4
231 ��Ժѵԧҹ���Թ Land Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ���Թ Land Officer ����� O1-O3
232 �����ҧ���Ż� Music �����ҧ���ŻԹ Musician ����� O1-O4
233 �ү��Ż� Dance �ү��ŻԹ Dancer ����� O1-O4
234 ��Ժѵԧҹ�����ʹ� Religions Affairs Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�����ʹ� Religions Affairs Officer ����� O1-O3
235 ��Ժѵԧҹ���¹ѡ�������˵� Archives Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�������˵� Assistant Archivist ����� O1-O2
236 ��Ժѵԧҹ�����Թ�Ҥ� ��Ѿ���Թ Property Valuation Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�����Թ�Ҥҷ�Ѿ���Թ Assistant Property Valuer ����� O1-O3
237 ��Ժѵԧҹ�Ѳ�Ҫ���� Community Development
��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�Ѳ�Ҫ���� Community Development Officer ����� O1-O3
238 ��Ժѵԧҹ�Ѳ�ҽ�����ç�ҹ Skill Development Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�Ѳ�ҽ�����ç�ҹ Skill Development Officer ����� O1-O3
239 ��Ժѵԧҹ�Ѳ���ѧ�� Social Development Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�Ѳ���ѧ�� Social Development Officer ����� O1-O2
240 ��Ժѵԧҹ�ԾԸ�ѳ�� Museum Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�ԾԸ�ѳ�� Museum Officer ����� O1-O2
241 ��Ժѵԧҹ�ç�ҹ Labour Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�ç�ҹ Labour Officer ����� O1-O3
242 ��Ժѵԧҹ�Ѳ����� Cultural Affairs Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ�Ѳ����� Cultural Affairs Operator ����� O1-O2
243 ��Ժѵԧҹ��ͧ��ش Library Service ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹ��ͧ��ش Library Service Officer ����� O1-O2
244 ��Ժѵԧҹͺ����н֡ �ԪҪվ Vocational Training Operation ��Ҿ�ѡ�ҹͺ���֡�ԪҪվ Vocational Training Officer ����� O1-O3
245 ͹���ʹ� Chaplain ͹���ʹҨ���� Chaplain ����� O1-O3
����������˹� (Position Category)                                                  
1. ����˹觻����������� (Executive Positions)            (S)
�. �дѺ�� (Primary Level)                                         (S1)
�. �дѺ�٧ (Higher Level)                                            (S2)
2. ����˹觻�������ҹ�¡�� (Managerial Positions) (M)
�. �дѺ�� (Primary Level)                                         (M1)
�. �дѺ�٧ (Higher Level)                                            (M2)
3. ����˹觻������Ԫҡ�� (Knowledge Worker Positions) (K)
�. �дѺ��Ժѵԡ�� (Practitioner Level)                               (K1)
�. �дѺ��ҹҭ��� (Professional Level)                           (K2)
�. �дѺ��ҹҭ��þ���� (Senior Professional Level)       (K3)
�. �дѺ����Ǫҭ (Expert Level)                                             (K4)
�. �дѺ�ç�س�ز� (Advisory Level)                                      (K5)
4. ����˹觻���������� (General Positions)  (O)
�. �дѺ��Ժѵԧҹ (Operational Level)         (O1)
�. �дѺ��ҹҭ�ҹ (Experienced Level)      (O2)
�. �дѺ������ (Senior Level)                       (O3)
�. �дѺ�ѡ�о���� (Highly Skilled Level)   (O4)
�ٻẺ�������͵���˹����§ҹ���Ѻ�дѺ����˹�����л���������˹� (�����ѧ���)                                          
������ҧ ����˹觻����������� (Executive Positions)
�ѡ�����õ�                      Executive, Primary Level
�ѡ�������٧                      Executive, Higher Level
������ҧ ����˹觻�������ҹ�¡�� (Managerial Positions)
�����ҹ�¡�õ�                            Director, Primary Level
�����ҹ�¡���٧                            Director, Higher Level
�����ҹ�¡��੾�д�ҹ (�кت�����§ҹ) ��    Director (Classification Name), Primary Level
�� �����ҹ�¡��੾�д�ҹ (ᾷ��) ��  Director (Physician), Primary Level
�����ҹ�¡��੾�д�ҹ (�кت�����§ҹ) �٧  Director (Classification Name), Higher Level
�� �����ҹ�¡��੾�д�ҹ (ᾷ��) �٧    Director (Physician), Higher Level
������ҧ ����˹觻������Ԫҡ�� (Knowledge Worker Positions)
�ѡ��Ѿ�ҡúؤ�Ż�Ժѵԡ��  Human Resource Officer, Practitioner Level, �ѡ��Ѿ�ҡúؤ�Ū�ҹҭ���   Human Resource Officer, Professional Level, �ѡ��Ѿ�ҡúؤ�Ū�ҹҭ��þ���� Human Resource Officer, Senior Professional Level, �ѡ��Ѿ�ҡúؤ������Ǫҭ       Human Resource Officer, Expert Level, �ѡ��Ѿ�ҡúؤ�ŷç�س�ز�   Human Resource Officer, Advisory Level
������ҧ ����˹觻���������� (General Positions)
�ү��ŻԹ��Ժѵԧҹ                       Dancer, Operational Level
�ү��ŻԹ��ҹҭ�ҹ                      Dancer, Experienced Level
�ү��ŻԹ������                              Dancer, Senior Level
�ү��ŻԹ�ѡ�о����                      Dancer, Highly Skilled Level




ไทยแปลอังกฤษ แปลภาษาไทย ห่อหมกฮวกไปฝากป้าmv โปรแกรม-แปล-ภาษา-อังกฤษ พร้อม-คำ-อ่าน แปลภาษาอาหรับ-ไทย Terjemahan ข้อสอบคณิตศาสตร์ พร้อมเฉลย แปลภาษาอังกฤษเป็นไทย pantip ศัพท์ทางทหาร military words แอพแปลภาษาอาหรับเป็นไทย การ์ดแคปเตอร์ซากุระ ภาค 4 พจนานุกรมศัพท์ทหาร ศัพท์ทหาร ภาษาอังกฤษ pdf ห่อหมกฮวกไปฝากป้า หนังเต็มเรื่อง ไทยแปลอังกฤษ ประโยค lmyour แปลภาษา การ์ดแคปเตอร์ซากุระ ภาค 3 ประปาไม่ไหล วันนี้ ฝยก. ย่อมาจาก หยน ห่อหมกฮวก แปลว่า เมอร์ซี่ อาร์สยาม ล่าสุด แปลภาษาจีน ่้แปลภาษา onet ม3 การ์ดแคปเตอร์ซากุระ ภาค 1 ข้อสอบโอเน็ต ม.3 ออกเรื่องอะไรบ้าง ตตตตลก บบบย ห่อหมกฮวกไปฝากป้า คาราโอเกะ เขียน อาหรับ แปลไทย เนื้อเพลง ห่อหมกฮวก แปลไทย asus zenfone 2e กรมส่งเสริมการปกครองท้องถิ่น การประปานครหลวง ก่อนจะนิ่งก็ต้องกลิ้งมาก่อน เนื้อเพลง ข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย พร้อมเฉลย คะแนน o-net โรงเรียน ชขภใ ชื่อเต็ม ร.9 คําอ่าน ตัวอย่าง flowchart ขั้นตอนการทํางาน นยน. ย่อมาจาก ทหาร บทที่ 1 ที่มาและความสําคัญของปัญหา ฝสธ. ย่อมาจาก มัดหัวใจเจ้าชายเย็นชา 2 ซับไทย มัดหัวใจเจ้าชายเย็นชา 2 เต็มเรื่อง ยศทหารบก เรียงลําดับ ระเบียบกระทรวงการคลังว่าด้วยการจัดซื้อจัดจ้างและการบริหารพัสดุภาครัฐ พ.ศ. 2560 รัชกาลที่ 10 ห่อหมกฮวกไปฝากป้า คอร์ด