Cisco packet tracer เพ ม 2960xr ย งไง

I am using packet tracer 7.2x and the catalyst 2960 switch, I cannot remove the , 'switchport port-security violation restrict' using the , 'no switchport port-security violation restrict'. The switch accepts the command but when I run, 'sh run', the command still appears. Initially, I had this port setup as a trunk port accepting vlans 1-100 and I removed everything except this command which will not go. I have management(port 24), data(port 10) and default (port 01) vlans on other ports on this switch. I just want this port to revert back to the default setting. Does this matter? Below is are the two lines that wont go; part of running-config file.

switchport mode access

switchport port-security violation restrict

I am yet to upgrade Catalyst 2960 using IOS 12.x to 15.x

You can archive (download and upload) software image files, which contain the system software, the Cisco IOS code, and the embedded Device Manager software.

You can download a switch image file from a TFTP, FTP, or RCP server to upgrade the switch software. If you do not have access to a TFTP server, you can download a software image file directly to your PC or workstation by using a web browser (HTTP) and then by using Device Manager or Cisco Network Assistant to upgrade your switch. For information about upgrading your switch by using a TFTP server or a web browser (HTTP), see the release notes.

You can replace the current image with the new one or keep the current image in flash memory after a download.

You can use the archive download-sw /allow-feature-upgrade privileged EXEC command to allow installation of an image with a different feature set, for example, upgrading from the universal image to the IP services feature set. You can also use the boot auto-download-sw global configuration command to specify a URL to use to get an image for automatic software upgrades. When you enter this command, the master switch uses this URL in case of a version mismatch.

You upload a switch image file to a TFTP, FTP, or RCP server for backup purposes. You can use this uploaded image for future downloads to the same switch or to another of the same type.

The protocol that you use depends on which type of server you are using. The FTP and RCP transport methods provide faster performance and more reliable delivery of data than TFTP. These improvements are possible because FTP and RCP are built on and use the TCP/IP stack, which is connection-oriented.

These sections contain this configuration information:


For a list of software images and the supported upgrade paths, see the release notes.

Image Location on the Switch

The Cisco IOS image is stored as a .bin file in a directory that shows the version number. A subdirectory contains the files needed for web management. The image is stored on the system board flash memory (flash:).

You can use the show version privileged EXEC command to see the software version that is currently running on your switch. In the display, check the line that begins with System image file is.... It shows the directory name in flash memory where the image is stored.

You can also use the dir filesystem : privileged EXEC command to see the directory names of other software images that you might have stored in flash memory. You can use the archive download-sw /directory privileged EXEC command to specify a directory once followed by a tar file or list of tar files to be downloaded instead of specifying complete paths with each tar file.

File Format of Images on a Server or

Software images on a server or downloaded from are in a file format, which contains these files:

  • An info file, which serves as a table of contents for the file
  • One or more subdirectories containing other images and files, such as Cisco IOS images and web management files


Table 3-1 info File Description




Specifies the Cisco IOS image version string suffix.


Specifies the directory where the Cisco IOS image and the HTML subdirectory are installed.


Specifies the name of the Cisco IOS image in the file.


Specifies the Cisco IOS image size in the file, which is an approximate measure of the flash memory that the Cisco IOS image needs.


Specifies the size of all the images (the Cisco IOS image and the web management files) in the file, which is an approximate measure of the flash memory needed.


Describes the core functionality of the image.


Specifies the minimum amount of DRAM needed to run this image.


Describes the family of products on which the software can be installed.

Copying Image Files Using TFTP

You can download a switch image from a TFTP server or upload the image from the switch to a TFTP server.

You download a switch image file from a server to upgrade the switch software. You can overwrite the current image with the new one or keep the current image after a download.

You upload a switch image file to a server for backup purposes; this uploaded image can be used for future downloads to the same or another switch of the same type.


Instead of using the copy privileged EXEC command or the archive tar privileged EXEC command, we recommend using the archive download-sw and archive upload-sw privileged EXEC commands to download and upload software image files. For switch stacks, the archive download-sw and archive upload-sw privileged EXEC commands can only be used through the stack master. Software images downloaded to the stack master are automatically downloaded to the rest of the stack members.

These sections contain this configuration information:

Preparing to Download or Upload an Image File Using TFTP

Before you begin downloading or uploading an image file by using TFTP, do these tasks:

  • Ensure that the workstation acting as the TFTP server is properly configured. On a Sun workstation, make sure that the /etc/inetd.conf file contains this line:

tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/in.tftpd in.tftpd -p -s /tftpboot

Make sure that the /etc/services file contains this line:

tftp 69/udp


You must restart the inetd daemon after modifying the /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services files. To restart the daemon, either stop the inetd process and restart it, or enter a fastboot command (on the SunOS 4.x) or a reboot command (on Solaris 2.x or SunOS 5.x). For more information on the TFTP daemon, see the documentation for your workstation.

  • Ensure that the switch has a route to the TFTP server. The switch and the TFTP server must be in the same subnetwork if you do not have a router to route traffic between subnets. Check connectivity to the TFTP server by using the ping command.
  • Ensure that the image to be downloaded is in the correct directory on the TFTP server (usually / tftpboot on a UNIX workstation).
  • For download operations, ensure that the permissions on the file are set correctly. The permission on the file should be world-read.
  • Before uploading the image file, you might need to create an empty file on the TFTP server. To create an empty file, enter the touch filename command, where filename is the name of the file you will use when uploading the image to the server.
  • During upload operations, if you are overwriting an existing file (including an empty file, if you had to create one) on the server, ensure that the permissions on the file are set correctly. Permissions on the file should be world-write.

Downloading an Image File Using TFTP

You can download a new image file and replace the current image or keep the current image.

Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow Step 1 to download a new image from a TFTP server and to overwrite the existing image. To keep the current image, follow Step 2.



Step 1

archive download-sw [ /directory ] /overwrite /reload tftp: [[ // location ] / directory ] / image-name1 .tar [ image-name2 .tar image-name3 .tar image-name4 .tar ]


Switch# archive download-sw /overwrite /reload tftp:

(Optional) Downloads the image files from the TFTP server to the switch, and overwrites the current image.

  • /directory—(Optional) Specifies a directory for the images.
  • /overwrite— Overwrites the software image in flash memory with the downloaded image.
  • /reload— Reloads the system after downloading the image unless the configuration has been changed and not been saved.
  • // location —The IP address of the TFTP server.
  • / directory / image-name1 .tar [/ directory / image-name2 .tar image-name3 .tar image-name4 .tar ]—The directory (optional) and the images to download.

Step 2

archive download-sw [ /directory ] /leave-old-sw /reload tftp: [[ // location ] / directory ] / image-name1 .tar [ image-name2 .tar image-name3 .tar image-name4 .tar ]


Switch# archive download-sw /leave-old-sw /reload tftp:

(Optional) Downloads the images file from the TFTP server to the switch and saves the current image.

  • /directory—(Optional) Specifies a directory for the images.
  • /leave-old-sw —Saves the old software version after a download.
  • /reload— Reloads the system after downloading the image unless the configuration has been changed and not been saved.
  • // location —The IP address of the TFTP server.
  • / directory / image-name1 .tar [/ directory / image-name2 .tar image-name3 .tar image-name4 .tar ]—The directory (optional) and the images to download.

The download algorithm verifies that the image is appropriate for the switch model and that enough DRAM is present, or it aborts the process and reports an error. If you specify the /overwrite option, the download algorithm removes the existing image on the flash device whether or not it is the same as the new one, downloads the new image, and then reloads the software.


If the flash device has sufficient space to hold two images and you want to overwrite one of these images with the same version, you must specify the /overwrite option.

If you specify the /leave-old-sw, the existing files are not removed. If there is not enough space to install the new image and keep the current running image, the download process stops, and an error message is displayed.

The algorithm installs the downloaded image on the system board flash device (flash:). The image is placed into a new directory named with the software version string, and the BOOT environment variable is updated to point to the newly installed image.

If you kept the old image during the download process (you specified the /leave-old-sw keyword), you can remove it by entering the delete /force /recursive filesystem :/ file-url privileged EXEC command. For filesystem, use flash: for the system board flash device. For file-url, enter the directory name of the old image. All the files in the directory and the directory are removed.


For the download and upload algorithms to operate properly, do not rename image names.

Uploading an Image File Using TFTP

You can upload an image from the switch to a TFTP server. You can later download this image to the switch or to another switch of the same type.

Use the upload feature only if the web management pages associated with Device Manager have been installed with the existing image.

Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow this step to upload an image to a TFTP server:



Step 1

archive upload-sw tftp: [[ // location ] / directory ] / image-name .tar


Switch# archive upload-sw tftp:

Uploads the currently running switch image to the TFTP server.

  • // location —The IP address of the TFTP server.
  • / directory / image-name .tar —The directory (optional) and the name of the software image to be uploaded.

The archive upload-sw privileged EXEC command builds an image file on the server by uploading these files in order: info, the Cisco IOS image, and the web management files. After these files are uploaded, the upload algorithm creates the file format.




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