ต ดแบรคเก ตท ม แง งเก ยวยางหลายต ว

This research aims at studying the correlation between levels of personal knowledge management and contributing factors to knowledge management and innovations of non-academic staff by testing the validity of the structure model and collected empirical data. The research samples consisted of 326 staff of Suranaree University of Technology, Walailak University and Mae Fah Luang University, selected by means of proportional stratified random sampling. The findings showed that the staff had a high level of knowledge management. Personal factors such as positions and agencies had correlation with knowledge management of the staff. The structure equation model of factors contributing to knowledge management and innovations were found to be positively correlated and consistent with empirical data (Chi-Square=483.39, df=698, P-value=1.0000, GFI=0.94, AGFI=0.91, RMSEA=0.000, RMR=0.021). This study also revealed that factors of culture and information technology had a direct impact on management of knowledge and creation of innovations. It also found that knowledge management had statistically significant direct effects on innovation as well.

2012, วารสารพยาบาลศาสตร์และสุขภาพ

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The Journal of Applied Science

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2019, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy

ทคดยอ บทความนสรางแรงจงใจใหผปกครองตระหนกถงความคมคาของการลงทนทางการศกษาในยคไทยแลนด 4.0 โดยมวตถประสงคเพอคำนวณอตราผลตอบแทนทางการศกษาดวยวธสวนลด (Elaborated Method) ระหวางการสำเรจมธยมศกษาตอนตน (ภาคบงคบ) กบการสำเรจมธยมศกษาตอนปลายสายอาชวศกษาและสายสามญ กลมตวอยางเปนแรงงานหนมสาวมอายระหวาง 15-45 ป โดยใชขอมลจากการสำรวจแรงงานและการมงานทำ (Labor Force Survey) สำนกงานสถตแหงชาตป พ.ศ. 2558 พบวา แรงงานชายและหญงทจบ ม.3 และตดสนใจศกษาตอ ม.6 จะมอตราผลตอบแทนภายในของการลงทนการศกษาลดลงรอยละ 5.5 และ 3.5 ตามลำดบ และแรงงานชายและหญงทจบ ม.3 และตดสนใจศกษาตอ ปวช.3 จะมอตราผลตอบแทนเพมขนรอยละ 9.5 และ 7.5 ตามลำดบ ดงนนพอแมควรตดสนใจใหบตรศกษาตอสายอาชวศกษา (ปวช.) จะคมคามากกวาสายสามญ (ม.6) สำหรบสถาบนอาชวศกษาควรเพมสดสวนผเรยนอาชวศกษาและผลตแรงงานสอดคลองกบความตองการสถานประกอบการและนโยบายไทยแลนด 4.0 คำสำคญ: อตราผลตอบแทนทางการศกษา อาชวศกษา สามญศกษา ไทยแลนด 4.0 ABSTRACT This article motivates parents to realize the value of educational investment in the Thai era. 4.0. The purpose of this study was to determine the rate of return o...

2015, วารสารวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม

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2017, Journal of Mekong Societies V

Ecosystem services (ES) is a concept concerning the relationship between humans and the environment. In the last two to three decades, this concept has drawn interest and has been applied broadly in international academic issues, policy making and environmental advocacy. However, the implementation of this concept regarding Thailand’s environmental problems remains in the early stages. This paper aims to stimulate interest, shorten the time and overcome difficulties in understanding the concept. It provides knowledge about preliminary ES by presenting the concept derivation and a critique from the “inside,” referring to relevant ES-related courses such as Biology, Ecology, Economics. The rest of this paper focuses on a critique from the “outside” in which the authors concentrate on a critique from the perspective of Political Ecology, which is critical of it and provokes a discussion of more serious environmental solutions. The paper concludes by indicating that ES is a dynamic conc...


การศกษาครงนมวตถประสงค เพอประเมนและจดลำดบความสำคญของความตองการจำเปนในการใชเครอขายสงคมออนไลนเพอการจดการเรยนการสอนสำหรบนกศกษาระดบปรญญาตร กลมตวอยางเปนนกศกษาระดบปรญญาตร ของมหาวทยาลยในสงกดกระทรวงศกษาธการ ทง 4 กลมมหาวทยาลย จำนวน 120 คน เครองมอทใชในการเกบรวบรวมขอมลคอ แบบประเมนความตองการจำเปนในการใชเครอขายสงคมออนไลนเพอการจดการเรยนการสอน โดยมคาสมประสทธความเทยงตามสตรอลฟา (α-Coefficient) ของ Cronbach อยท 0.93 และคำนวณหาคาดชนความตองการจำเปนโดยใชสตร PNImodified ผลการศกษาพบวา นกศกษาระดบปรญญาตร มสถานภาพการเปนสมาชกเครอขายสงคมออนไลนทงหมด คดเปนรอยละ 100 โดยมสถานภาพการเปนสมาชก Facebook รอยละ 61.7 และเปนสมาชกทง Facebook และ Twitter รอยละ 38.3 โดยมความถในการเขาใชเครอขายสงคมออนไลนทสงสด คอ มการเขาใชทกวน รอยละ 70.0 และมการใชเวลาในการเขาใช มากทสดคอ ใชเวลา 3-6 ชวโมง/วน คดเปนรอยละ 40.8 ของกลมตวอยาง ผลศกษาความตองการจำเปนดวยคาดชน PNImodified ในภาพรวมคอ ตองการใหจดการเรยนการสอนโดยใชเครอขายสงคมออนไลนมากทสด และเมอจดลำดบความสำคญของความตองการจำเปนในการใชเครอขายสงคมออนไลนเพอการจดการเรยนการสอนพบวา กจกรรมการสอสารทมคาดชนค...


This descriptive researchaimed atto study the psychological of administrator Sirindhorn College of Public Health, KhonKaen province Thailand, as Expected of staffs at Sirindhorn College of Public Health,KhonKaen Province, Thailand. 155staffs were collected using a questionnaire. The data were analyzed in terms of descriptive statistics, percentage, mean, standard deviation and correlation with statistical correlation of Pearson. The results of the study were as follows: 1.Personality Characteristics,the most expectations were hard-working,speaking skill and good modeling. 2.The positive characteristics,the most expectations were the responsibility , administrative skill,proper management and widely- vision. 3.Adjustment qualification, the most expectations were the administrator who love to learn ,advancing themselves,consciousness,acceptingthe opinion of the others,and having the reason in working with the others. 4.Emotional characteristics,the most expectations were encouraging ...

2019, The Development of Peace Indicators and Measurement of Levels of Peace in Thai Society B.E. 2563

Although the levels of global peace measurement provides the comparison information at the national level, still there is a lack of information at the regional or provincial level, including the context of Thailand whether on economy, society, cultures, and politics. The research article aimed at 1) developing the peace indexes and indicators suitable for Thai society, 2) measuring the levels of peace in Thai society in order to formulate suggestions for peacebuilding. This study was conducted in the 2nd phase of year B.E. 2563 (by which the data was collected in year B.E. 2562). The study was both quantitative and qualitative research in which the indicators were produced at both the national and provincial levels. The data sources used were statistical data from relevant agencies that had been continuously collected and the data from the nationwide opinion polling which was collected by the National Statistical Office in a total number of 33,420 persons. The indexes were calculated under the framework of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) including Ebert and Welsh. The data on the peace levels in Thai society at both national and provincial levels were presented. The research results showed the results of a comparative study between year B.E. 2560 and B.E. 2562, it was found that the levels of peace index in Thailand of year B.E. 2560 that had a point of 3.42 was higher than year B.E. 2562 that had a point of 3.36. The calculation of the overall peace levels at the provincial level, it was conducted by which the provinces were divided into 5 groups with the highest and lowest levels of peace. The research results could be used for collaborative learning in educational institutions, as well as the formulation of the policy of relevant agencies in the field of peace.


This purpose of this research were 1) to find achievement of new researcher and 2) to find satisfaction of new researcher who trained by the Blending Training Program Integration with Knowledge Management System for New Researcher in Research Proposal Performing. The simple random sampling samples were 30 new researchers who interested to write research proposal and had not experience for research proposal performing. The Blending Training Program Integration with Knowledge Management System efficiency equal to 82.03/80.67 which was divide to two parts that the first part was used in e-Learning were coaching, collaboration learning, and knowledge management system and that the second part was used The techniques used in Face-to-Face Learning. The after process of training , the new researchers were evaluated by posttest and trainee’s satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics implemented were mean and standard deviation. The finding of research : 1) the achievement of new researcher...


The purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of empowerment in teachers’ work according to the perception of teachers, by using Q-methodology. Twenty-six participants were teachers under jurisdiction the office of vocational education commission, who sorted 46 selected Q-statements on a nine-point scale. The results identified eight types of perspectives of empowerment in teachers’ work which consisted of empowering oneself and other people, understanding of the work environment, careful work, determination to work, working alone and working with other people, work empowering according to each person’s difference, direct and indirect effects on work and working under the management. Also, the findings may provide the basis for the development to empower in working of teachers in order to enhance the educational quality in the future.

2020, Rangsit Music Journal

Musical composition “String Orchestra and Flute” composed to celebrate the Korea-Thailand sixtieth anniversary of the diplomatic relations. The composition conveys different cultural aspects of the two countries. Compositional materials are based on Thai rhythmic pattern, Thai melody—Kangkaw Kin Kluay—and Korean musical modes, especially P’yŏngjo, Kyemyŏnjo, and Oeumgae (Five Notes System). The main motive is a collection of E, F, and A or set of (015) derived from 60th anniversary. This neotonal composition comprised motivic development, variation in fragmentation, and quartal/quintal chord.

2013, หน้าจั่ว ว่าด้วยประวัติศาสตร์สถาปัตยกรรมและสถาปัตยกรรมไทย

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2013, วารสารพยาบาลศาสตร์และสุขภาพ


For mango grading according to the weight criteria, the mangoes are weighed by the load cell on the dynamic weighing system. Load cell is a device that converts the mechanical weight to an electrical signal which passes through the filter. In the previous research work, it focused on the development of filters for increasing the speed of weighing, measurement accuracy and precision as well as eliminating high frequency noise. In this research article, an effective filter is proposed for estimating a weight signal obtained from the load cell. The results showed that although the weight signal was interfered with heavily impulse noise, the developed filter could provide accurate and precise value of the weight. Furthermore, the results obtained from the proposed filter were more accurate than the results obtained from the moving average filter and the median filter.

2021, Journal of Business and Industrial Development.

The research was to study t experience. The objectives were to 1.study the opinion level to the awareness for Master degree of Business Administration, Ramkhamhaeng University based on Higher Education's Standard of 2018 in learners' outcome dimension and to 2.study the difference between demographic characteristics and opinion level regarding to awareness for Master degree of Business Administration, Ramkhamhaeng University based on Higher Education's Standard of 2018 in learners' outcome dimension. The population used in this study was the Master of Business Administration learners of Ramkhamhaeng University. There were 400 of the sample group. Accidental sampling was used. The research tool was used by questionnaire. The statistics used in the data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, frequency distribution and one-way ANOVA. Findings were as follows: (1) The results of study revealed that the majority of respondent were female amount 300 persons or 75.00%, the age between 26-35 years amount 232 persons or 58.00%, worked at the company or business owner amount 189 persons or 47.25%, the position was officer level amount 258 persons or 64.50% and the experience not more than 5 years amount 155 persons or 38.75%. According the awareness for Master degree of Business Administration, Ramkhamhaeng University based on Higher Education's Standard of 2018 in learners' outcome dimension in overall was at high level ( = 3.80) and in considering on each aspect, it was found that in descending order the aspects were at the high level as follows: the opinion level was high in Smart Citizenship ( = 4.01), Competencies Person ( = 3.82) and Creative Innovation Person ( = 3.58). (2) The results of study differed of experiences had displayed corresponding differences in the awareness for Master degree of Business Administration, Ramkhamhaeng University based on Higher Education's Standard of 2018 in learners' outcome and it would be the most beneficial at the statistical significance at the level of 0.05. Keywords: Awareness, Higher Education Standards of 2018.

2024, The Journal of King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok

Biomass briquette charcoal has been studied using a variety of agricultural waste materials. The outcome revealed that the charcoal bars are still inefficient in use because of their fragility, high moisture causing mold, difficulty setting up, short burning times, and smoky. The aims of this research are to build up a biomass charcoal briquette machine and to examine the raw material proportions. Durian peel and mangosteen peel charcoal were mixed with cassava starch. The mixing ratio by weight between Durian peel and mangosteen peel was 4 : 1, 2 : 1, 3 : 2, 1 : 1, 2 : 3, 1 : 2, and 1 : 4. The biomass charcoal briquette machine was evaluated for its forming ability, physical shape, and density while the properties of charcoal briquettes were analyzed based on American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). The results reveal that this machine is efficient to use considered by smooth surface, sturdiness, and density (604.94–612.12 kg/m3). The charcoal briquettes made from durian peel and mangosteen peel in the ratio of 1 : 4 can be achieved all criteria which have the highest calorific value of 5,572.78 kcal/kg, the lowest moisture content of 4.82%, the minimum volatile matter content of 7.26%, the minimum ash content of 9.47%, the maximum fixed carbon of 75.39%. Also, it has a bulk density of 606.32 kg/m3, a heat utilization efficiency of 22.79%, and a burning time of 99.47 minutes.

2013, Srinagarind Medical Journal ศรีนครินทร์เวชสาร

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Songklanagarind Medical Journal

Objective: The objective of this pilot study was to investigate immediate effects of Thai herbal hot pack on pain and muscle flexibility in person with chronic low back pain.Material and Method: Twenty-two subjects with low back pain received the Thai herbal hot pack treatment which was heated by microwave oven on lower back for 30 minutes. Subjects were assessed pain and flexibility using visual analog scale and sit and reach test, respectively. Both parameters were measured at baseline and immediately after treatment.Results: The results showed that there were statistically significant difference in pain and flexibility immediately after 30 minutes of using Thai herbal hot pack…

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The research aimed at developing local history curriculum based on placebased education approach for primary school students: A case of an upper Chao Phraya River community, Nakhon Sawan province. The research and development (R & D) process model has been adopted to use in the study in 4 steps as follows: step 1 studying local historical narratives, local community contexts and curriculum approach for local history teaching and learning in basic education levels in order to define the scope and sequence of local history curriculum in which the data collected from experts by using in-depth interviews, step 2 constructing curriculum and verifying curriculum quality, step 3 implementing the curriculum of which the sample group was 35 grade 6 students of Wathuadongnuea school, Kaolieo district, Nakhon Sawan province drawn by means of purposive sampling. The samples were tested via both one group pretestposttest design and one group posttest only design with seven learning units and thi...

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The study objectives were ; 1) to develop blended learning model using collaborative and case – based learning 2) to conduct the experiment of blended learning model using collaborative and case – based learning. The samples were 37 undergraduate students registering in the Innovation and Information Technology In Education Course, in the second semester of 2013 academic year, from Sample Random Sampling. The research instruments were a questionnaire for instructors, a questionnaire for need learning management, teaching model, model assessment, lesson plans for the blended learning model using collaborative and case – based learning, learning management system or LMS, questionnaire for students’ opinion towards the blended learning model using collaborative and case – based learning, and critical thinking test, test of problem solving thinking, and the assessment form of team learning. The data were statistical analyzed by the following instruments percentage, mean, วารสารศึกษาศาสต...

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2014, The Public Health Journal of Burapha University

การวิจัยนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาพฤติกรรมการใช้ยาของอาสาสมัครประจำหมู่บ้าน ตำบลบ่อกวางทอง อำเภอบ่อทอง จังหวัดชลบุรี คัดเลือกกลุ่มผู้ให้ข้อมูลโดยใช้หลักการคัดเลือกตัวอย่างเชิงทฤษฎี จำนวน 42 ราย เก็บข้อมูลโดยการสัมภาษณ์เชิงลึก การสังเกต การบันทึกเสียง และการบันทึกภาคสนาม วิเคราะห์ข้อมูลโดยการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลเชิงเนื้อหา ผลการวิจัยนี้พบว่าอาสาสมัครประจำหมู่บ้านส่วนใหญ่มีโรคประจำตัว คือ โรคเบาหวาน และโรคความดันโลหิตสูง เลือกการรักษาแบบแผนปัจจุบัน และภูมิปัญญาท้องถิ่นควบคู่กัน บางรายเลือกรักษาแบบแผนปัจจุบันก่อนการตัดสินใจใช้วิธีอื่น เหตุผลหลักๆ เช่น อยากรู้อยากเห็น อยากลอง เพื่อนแนะนำใช้ตามบทความ หนังสือพิมพ์ วารสาร นิตยสาร โฆษณาต่างๆ และการประชุมประจำเดือนของอาสาสมัครประจำหมู่บ้าน หลังจากได้รับการรักษาจะมีอาการที่ดีขึ้น ถ้าไม่ดีขึ้นก็จะเปลี่ยนสถานที่หรือเปลี่ยนตัวยาหรือสมุนไพรที่ใช้รักษา แต่จะไม่เข้าใจในเรื่องผลข้างเคียง การแพ้ยา อาการไม่พึงประสงค์จากการใช้ยา ปัญหาส่วนใหญ่คือมีการใช้ยาโดยไม่ได้ตระหนักถึงอันตราย ขาดความรู้ ขาดความเข้าใจในอันตรายที่จะเกิดขึ้นจากความเชื่อผิดๆ โดยสรุป หน่วยงานราชการส่วนท้องถิ่นสามารถปรับใช้เพื่อพัฒนางานเยี่ยมบ้านในเชิงรุก เพื่อดูการใช้ยา ยาเหลือค้าง เพื่อช่วยเหลือ และลดความคาดเคลื่อนทางยา เช่น ได้รับยาซ้ำซ้อน การเกิดอันตรกิริยาระหว่างยา และควรศึกษาพฤติกรรมการใช้ยาสมุนไพรร่วมกับยาแผนปัจจุบัน และสำหรับเจ้าหน้าที่สาธารณสุขสามารถนำข้อมูลไปพัฒนาพฤติกรรมการใช้ยาในท้องถิ่นของตน The purpose of this research was to study drug use behavior of village health volunteer at Bo Kwangthong sub-district, Bo thong District, Chonburi province. The key informant was 42 subjects selected by theoretical sampling. In-depth interview, observation, voice recording and note taking were used to collect data. Content analysis was employed to analyze the data. The results of this study showed that diabetes and hypertension were mostly found in subjects. Both conventional medicine and traditional medicine were taken. Some chose conventional medicine first before taking other ways due to curiosity, suggestions, information from articles, newspapers, journals, magazines, advertisements, and village health volunteer’s monthly meeting. After the treatment if their symptoms did not improve, they changed and took other medicine or herb. They did not understand about side-effect, drug allergy and adverse drug reactions. Most of the village health volunteers did not realize how dangerous the drugs was due to lack of knowledge, lack of understanding about the fourth-coming threats caused by drug using and also had false beliefs. The results of this study can be used to develop proactive home visit programs to check drug used and drug storage. This could help decrease medical error such as drug redundant using and drug interaction. Further study is needed in regards to herbal and conventional co-treatment. Public health personals can use the results to improve drug use behavior in their communities.

2019, Ph.D. Thesis (Sanskrit Studies), Silpakorn University

The objective of this thesis is to provide the transliteration and the translation of the chapter relating to the concepts of the planets, Daśās and the physiognomy of Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra from Sanskrit into Thai, and to explore and compare these concepts as stated in Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra with Thai Brahmajāti popular edition. The result of this study reveals that it is possible that Brahmajāti could be influenced by Indian thoughts due to the fact that the astrological concepts resemble Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra, especially the concepts of the planets and Daśās. As for the concepts of the planets, their names in Brahmajāti have derived from Pali and Sanskrit which share the same etymology with the planets’ names in Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra in terms of the meaning of the origin, the character and the position. Nevertheless, it is worth noted that according to Brahmajāti, the planets are created by lord Īśvara. The characters and the relationships of the planets in Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra and Brahmajāti illustrates some differences. Still, the essential dignities of the planets such as rulership, exaltation and debilitation are similar. Concerning the conpets of Daśā, Brahmajāti calls out Daśā as “Thaksa” and Mahathaksa is also similar to the Aṣṭottarīdaśā in Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra including the total age of 108 years, the age of the planets and the calculation of the span of the planet’s Daśā and the planet’s Antardaśā. Only the calculation of the first planet’s Daśā is different. In fact, Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra is more concerned by the period of the moon in natal nakṣatra whereas Brahmajāti is concerned by the native’s lord of birthday. Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra and Brahmajāti both calculate the span of the planets in Daśā system by cross-multiplication. However, the prediction in Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra considers the planets’ essential dignities. It is interesting to indicate that most of the predictive texts are different. For the concept of the physiognomy, the predictions based on the effects of the characteristic features of various body parts as well as the effects of marks in Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra apply specifically to women even though the last śloka of chapter 81 and some predictive texts in chapter 82 indicate that this can also be applied to men. However, the physiognomy in Brahmajāti predictions are applied to both women and men. The auspicious-inauspicious effects of the physiognomy of both scriptures are similar whereas the predictive texts are mostly different.


This research aimed to study the loss in energy from waste process, analyze causes, and provide a guideline to reduce the loss by analyzing defects and effects. This study was based on 20 key informants from the waste electrical power plant in Khon Kaen, as a case study. The data were analyzed with Process Flow Chart, Pareto chart, Risk Assessment, Cause and Effect matrix, Defect and Impact Analysis (FMEA), and Relationship Diagrams. The results showed the loss in the energy from waste process came from the stoppage of waste incineration. The study found that the reverse and forward stepping grate machine was a cause of the loss. As a result of the analysis, the loss reduction by analyzing the defects and the impact, it suggested increasing frequency of monitoring the distance (GAP) of the Grate Bar, installation thermometer under the continuous combustion chamber, and checking cleaning fan system every two hours . These guidelines could reduce loss in the energy from waste proce...

2010, Journal of Tropical …

Volatile extracts obtained from 3 kinds of zingiberaceous plants, Boesenbergia pandurata Alpinia galanga and Zingiber officinal were tested for their unfavourable effects towards radial growth and spore germination of 6 postharvest disease fungi, Colletotrichum capsici (2 isolates), Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (2 isolates), Dothiorella sp., Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Pestalotiopsis sp. and Pythium aphanidermatum. The results demonstrated inhibited growth and spore germination of the tested fungi exposed to the medium poisoned with Boesenbergia pandurata or Zingiber officinale oil(1,000 ppm). B. pandurata oil caused no colony formation by C. capsici (isolate 170), Dothiorella sp. and P. aphanidermatum while 88 % reduction in radial growth of Pestalotiopsis sp. Z. officinale oil caused radial growth reduction on C. gloeosporioides isolate 163, C. gloeosporioides isolate 458, L. theobromae, Pestalotiopsis sp. and P. aphanidermatum by 69, 73, 82, 65 and 64 %, respectively. B. pandurat...

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Objective: To study whether microalbuminuria is associated with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) in type 2 diabetes. Study design: Cross-sectional analytic study. Setting: Rajavithi Hospital, Lerdsin Hospital, Nopparatrajathanee Hospital, Mettaphacharak (Watraikhing) Hospital, Prathumthani Hospital, Lardlumkaew Hospital, and Nongsau Hospital. Research methodology: A total of 204 subjects (58 males and 146 females) were included in this study. Using urine dipsticks for microalbuminuria which positive at least 2 of the 3 morning urine samples within 6 months, 68 and 136 type 2 diabetic patients were found micro and normoalbuminuria respectively. Indirect ophthalmology of all subjects&

39; eyes for PDR was performed by expert ophthalmologists. Result: The study finds that 4 subjects with normoalbuminuria and 1 subject with microalbuminuria were PDR. The prevalence of PDR is 2.5%. Conclusion: Microalbuminuria using urine dipstick is not associated cross-sectionaly with prolifera...

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2013, วารสารพยาบาลศาสตร์และสุขภาพ

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2019, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

2018, ๋Journal of Information Science

This study investigated 384 Thai tourists’ needs for health tourism information in Thailand using questionnaires as data collecting tool. The collected data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, and an independent t-test. The findings revealed that 1) most of tourists searched for information on hotels and accommodation which provided WIFI , beautiful views, and swimming pools; 2) the majority of respondents were interested in information on restaurants, natural touristic spots, health tourism activities, traditional Thai massage shops, and integrated tour arrangement of natural attraction visits and health tourism; and 3) most of the Thai tourists paid much attention to health product information and healthy food.

This study aimed to determine the species of cyanobacteria in rainy and winter season which affect the water quality of Phayao Lake. The study was carried out in six collection points (3, adjacent to the city; and the other 3, adjacent to the agricultural areas) across the lake. Water samples were collected monthly from July 2012 to February 2013. Results showed that cyanobacteria dominated the lake at every sampling point with significantly higher numbers (P<0.05) recorded in the rainy season than in winter. Four genera of cyanobacteria were identified as the most frequently encountered groups, namely: Microcystis aeruginosa, M. wesenbergii, Anabaena sp. and Oscillatoria sp. Furthermore, at KP3 point (water supply pumping area) the number of M. aeruginosa genera (producers of hepatotoxin compounds) and, Anabaena sp. and Oscillatoria sp. (producers of off-flavor compounds) were found to be the most dominant. Water supply from Phayao Lake in rainy season should be therefore carefu...

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This study aims to study the efficiency levels in operating international conferences of hotels in municipal district of Khon Kaen province, Thailand. The guidelines to improve the efficiency of organizing hotel business conferences were proposed in the result of this study. The in-depth interviews and questionnaires were employed to collect the data from 21 hotel’s representatives. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was used to analyze the collected data from the questionnaires. In order to analyze the productivity factors, several input factors were studied, such as delivery vehicles, size of conference room, maximum capacity for participants, size of parking lot, number of elevators, number of restrooms, provisional facilities, food and beverage cost, and number of staff. On the other hand, the output factor was the income of the hotels in organizing the international conference. It was found that the average technical efficiency: CRS model is 84%, whereas the average technical ...




ไทยแปลอังกฤษ แปลภาษาไทย ห่อหมกฮวกไปฝากป้าmv โปรแกรม-แปล-ภาษา-อังกฤษ พร้อม-คำ-อ่าน แปลภาษาอาหรับ-ไทย Terjemahan ข้อสอบคณิตศาสตร์ พร้อมเฉลย แปลภาษาอังกฤษเป็นไทย pantip ศัพท์ทางทหาร military words แอพแปลภาษาอาหรับเป็นไทย การ์ดแคปเตอร์ซากุระ ภาค 4 พจนานุกรมศัพท์ทหาร ศัพท์ทหาร ภาษาอังกฤษ pdf ห่อหมกฮวกไปฝากป้า หนังเต็มเรื่อง ไทยแปลอังกฤษ ประโยค lmyour แปลภาษา การ์ดแคปเตอร์ซากุระ ภาค 3 ประปาไม่ไหล วันนี้ ฝยก. ย่อมาจาก หยน ห่อหมกฮวก แปลว่า เมอร์ซี่ อาร์สยาม ล่าสุด แปลภาษาจีน ่้แปลภาษา onet ม3 การ์ดแคปเตอร์ซากุระ ภาค 1 ข้อสอบโอเน็ต ม.3 ออกเรื่องอะไรบ้าง ตตตตลก บบบย ห่อหมกฮวกไปฝากป้า คาราโอเกะ เขียน อาหรับ แปลไทย เนื้อเพลง ห่อหมกฮวก แปลไทย asus zenfone 2e กรมส่งเสริมการปกครองท้องถิ่น การประปานครหลวง ก่อนจะนิ่งก็ต้องกลิ้งมาก่อน เนื้อเพลง ข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย พร้อมเฉลย คะแนน o-net โรงเรียน ชขภใ ชื่อเต็ม ร.9 คําอ่าน ตัวอย่าง flowchart ขั้นตอนการทํางาน นยน. ย่อมาจาก ทหาร บทที่ 1 ที่มาและความสําคัญของปัญหา ฝสธ. ย่อมาจาก มัดหัวใจเจ้าชายเย็นชา 2 ซับไทย มัดหัวใจเจ้าชายเย็นชา 2 เต็มเรื่อง ยศทหารบก เรียงลําดับ ระเบียบกระทรวงการคลังว่าด้วยการจัดซื้อจัดจ้างและการบริหารพัสดุภาครัฐ พ.ศ. 2560 รัชกาลที่ 10 ห่อหมกฮวกไปฝากป้า คอร์ด